7. Quidditch

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About a few days later after confessing to professor snape, um, my...um 'problem' it been actually quiet.

At the first few days we did a broom flying class, which by the way, I'm really good at.

But Malfoy was being a little brat about something, and Harry was fighting him.

We both ended up flying when we weren't supposed to.

Anyway we both made the quidditch team. Harry was made as a seeker and I was a bludger.

But after that everything was going great, but something was a bit off though, professor snape and Dumbledore keep staring at me during breakfast, lunch and dinner, but once in a while they would talk to each other then go back to staring.

I pretend not to notice but it's kinda hard.


It was the first quidditch game of the school year, Me and Harry were very excited.

Right when the whistle blew we were off playing the game.

Everything was fine but there was one player on our team who had a mask on.

It was pretty weird, but I ignored it.

But I couldn't.

Cause he wasn't even playing, he was just sitting on his broom.

Right when I stopped to take a breath, that guy comes flying towards me.

I freak out cause he was going fast, and I mean really fast.

I started to fly up, trying to get him off my tail, but he wasn't budging.

I flew into a cloud and flew into the next one, so he wouldn't be able to see me.

He flew to that last cloud but didn't see me, so he flew into the opposite direction.

I flew down knowing it was clear, but then I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

I felt some liquid into me, and I knew very well what this was.

This was the drug billy would use if I was disobeying or if I was struggling.

My vision started getting blurry, but I was still conscious.

Right before I fell off my broom, the masked one caught me in his arms, I look to his hands and there was a syringe.

He put the syringe in his pocket and removed his mask, and I couldn't believe who i saw.

It was billy.

I was so confused but my vision was beginning to get more blurry.

I passed out.

Billy's P.O.V

Once she had passed out, I took her off her broom and kicked it.

I held her in my arms.

I had waited a few days to get her where I had wanted her. And this game was a perfect opportunity,

To take her away where no one can find her. Where I can have her all to myself,

Without anyone, especially her mom and my father.

I put the mask back on and started to fly near the stadium.

Once everyone of those freaks saw us, half were cheering, the other half was gasping.

I flew closer to the older people who I think are the principals.

I let them have one last look of her before I take her.

Then the old lady came up to me

"Thanks heavens! What happened?!"

I started to laugh maniacally, while everyone got quiet.

"There is nothing funny about his young man!" The old woman spoke to me again.

Then I spoke

"I just thought you would be grateful to see her one last time before I take her."

They look at me scared and confused.

Then I took off my mask, and they were shocked, cause they finally found out I was not a student here.

The guy with the long beard says

"What is your name and why are you here?!"

He raised his voice at me.

"My name is billy, and why I'm here is to collect something back from what you stole from me!"

His eyes widen and looks to the teacher all in black and the old woman who had a scared expression.

The woman says

"I demand you release her muggle!"

and then she grabs her wand.

I started laughing again and flew away.

(Sorry short chapter I have just been busy with other things next time I'll do better)

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