Tagged #1

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@Yoongis_Gehirn tagged me so here are the answers.

1. Something I just can't do?
Eat a banana. I hate them. They are gross.

2. Sea or mountains?
Thus I live close to the mountain I'll say sea.

3. A place I really want to visit?
I don't really know, probably Greece (visit all that bullshit I'm translating in school) and Australia (diving an the Great Barrier Reef. But I have to learn it first)

4. A pet I really want to have?
A snake. They are just so cool. I love snakes. Loki is a snake ^-^
A more realistic one: a dog

5. Do you like watching the stars?
Yep, I actually do. And I think it's pretty romantic if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend (Lmao I'm single like a Pringle)

6. Hot or cold?
Something in between. It is really too hot at the moment (at least in Germany)
But I also love the winter because I can go skiing and I just love snow.

7. Which color does your house have?
Light blue

8. People I tag:

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