Another one

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little_addiction tagged me, thanks, have fun reading this.


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1. Favourite band?
I can't choose between One Direction and BTS

2. Favourite colour?
Definitely blue

3. Favourite food?
A lot but I'll go for chocolate because writing down all my favourite meals would take WAY too long

4. Do you like Avocados?

5. Do you have a favourite drummer?
Ashton. Bebi.

6. What Netflix series do you watch at the moment?
I don't have Netflix *cries in a cool way*

7. What if the world was ending today?
Well I can't really do anything against it, can I?
If I knew the world was ending I'd tell all the people I love and that are important to me that I love them.

8. What country/state do you live in?
Bavaria, Germany

9. Write 7 facts about yourself.
- I swear really much
- I'm about 1,77 metres tall
- I'm single atm
- I have a brother
- I often prefer speaking English over speaking German although I'm not native English.
- Crescent City is gonna ruin me
- I get jealous pretty easily

10. Tag at least 7 people.

11. You don't have to do it but please do.
I did it, didn't I?

12. Have fun.
I did have fun indeed

13. Is 13 a good or bad number? And what about 7?
I don't think that 13 is necessarily a bad number, but I still am a bit more careful on Fridays, the 13th.
7 is a lucky number in my opinion (my ahgase is showing).

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