Tagged #2

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lokis_pride tagged me so here we go.

1) What's your favorite book?
Loads, at the moment probably The Red Scrolls of Magic and The Bane Chronicles.

2) What's your favorite hobby?
Probably reading and watching Netflix.
And occasionally playing Minecraft with my brother. And write my book. And Aikido. And phoning.

3) How many Social Media apps do you use and how often?
I have WhatsApp, Instagram, Wattpad and Netflix. And I use all of them equally. But at the moment i don't have WiFi so I don't use Instagram and just watch the downloads on Netflix because I don't have enough Mobile Data.

4) What do you see on your left right now?
A pillow because it's half past midnight and I can't sleep.

5) Where would you like to travel to?
I'd love to come to London again. Also I'd love to see New York. And Canada and Australia. And Moscow. And Greece.

6) Do you have a pet?
I've ha a pet until 2 weeks ago. But no I don't have one at the moment.

7) What's the most important thing in your life?
I think there are a couple important things in my life, for example my family and friends. But also important is school.

8) What's your biggest fear?
Loosing everything I have and I love.

9) Tags

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