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At this point in his life Kim Hongjoong shouldn't be surprised when his friends would waltz into their secret hideout bloodied and half conscious.

It was a shabby little cabin in the middle of the woods, something the eight of them found long ago in their childhood. 

Through the years they had continued to come back and remodeled it anew to fit their standard. 

It was the same old wood smell from the outside but inside it was their paradise.

Hongjoong was the one who'd be there the most often, lounging on a bean bag chair they'd added years before, reading articles and books and writing in his journal. 

And it was exactly the state he was in when the rotten wood door creaked open to reveal Jongho. He was stumbling, running over various clutter on the floor before collapsing and letting out a groan of pain. 

Hongjoong sighed and set down his journal. It wasn't an odd occurrence to see the other like this which is why he wasn't frantic. 

Instead he helped pull the other back on his feat and offered him his comfy cushion.

"When was the last time you had a good nights sleep?"

Jongho looked at him with hooded eye, his head turning till he spotted a water bottle to which he drained it dry in one go.

"How long can you live like this Jongho? It's time to speak up," Jongho snicked tossing the empty plastic of the water bottle to the ground adding to the trash.

"Don't tell me to speak up when you can barely hold your own." Hongjoong wasn't affected. 

His eyes were cold and calculating as they grazed over the bruised fingers of the other. 

"We need to talk. Not just you and me. All of of us. It's time to live like we used to."


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