Chapter 1

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I never met my biological parents. I was given up for adoption. I loved my adoptive parents obviously, but I was curious about my biological mom and dad. I didn't know for the longest time and I was happy with that. Then, my parents told me a secret. I had been born with meta powers, specifically super speed. My parents had given me a power dampener when I was younger. They just wanted me to have a normal childhood and I could understand that. I didn't have normal teenage years, being transgender and all. However, I was ecstatic about my powers. I needed to get a hang of my powers at first, but it didn't take long. Soon, I was the newest speedster in Central City. I had taken on the name Storm.

Quickly, people started to know that there was a new speedster in the city. There hadn't been anyone since the Flash disappeared. I'd only been around two or three when he disappeared. The Flash Museum was created in his memory. The more I used my powers, the more I wondered about who my biological parents were. I finally decided to take a DNA test. It took a while, so I was out saving the city. People got curious about the new speedster.

Eventually, the DNA test came back. I was at my parents house and we all sat on the couch together. I took a deep breath and opened it it up. I read the contents and was surprised. My mom was Iris West, who started the Central City Citizen and Barry Allen, who was an unsolved missing persons case. I was a detective at CCPD and that was one of the stories I was told a lot. Barry Allen was a really good CSI and was a major help in lots of cases. Then he suddenly disappeared. No one ever solved his case.

It took a few days for me to wrap my head around everything. I decided to go visit my mother. I went down to the Citizen's office. I walked up to the desk. "Could I see Iris West?" I asked. The receptionist looked up. "Have an appointment?" She asked. I shocked my head. She was about to turn away when I said something. "It's about her kid." I said. The receptionist rolled her eyes and let me through. I took an elevator up and looked for Iris's office. It was easy to spot. I walked up and knocked. "Come in!" Iris said from behind the door. I walked in and sat down across from her. "Who are you?" She asked. I took a deep breath. "I'm Joseph Deacon. There's something I need to talk to you about." I stated. Iris nodded. "My receptionist said it was something about my kid. What's up with Nora?" She asked. I took a shaky, nervous breath in. "It's not about Nora. It's about me. I'm your son." I explained. She shook her head. "I never had any sons. I had a daughter, well two daughters." She stated. I fought back tears. "It's because I'm transgender. I was born a girl, but I'm a boy. I transitioned a while ago." I stated. I pulled the DNA test out of my pocket and gave it to her. She read over it. She got up and hugged me.

"Joseph, I haven't seen you since you were born." She exclaimed, starting to cry.

"I know. I'm here now." I replied.

She hugged me for a while but stopped eventually. She went back to her seat. I mentioned another thing. "Also, I have super speed. Were you or Barry a meta?" I whispered. Iris was silent for a moment before nodding. She started tearing up. "Your Dad was the Flash." She stated. I was shocked. The most famous meta in Central City was my father. Iris calmed herself down before turning to me. "If you're free, would you care to meet the rest of your family? We can have dinner together." She suggested. I nodded. "That would be great." I replied. She smiled and gave me her phone number and address. I smiled as I left the building.

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