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♡ Yoongi ♡

Hey I'm free tomorrow and the day
after that, wanna go out? Sight
seeing maybe?

Oh, baby I'd love to but uhm. I'm kinda

What do you mean, you've been
nagging me to go out not too
long ago

Yeah but something came up...


Oh that's not important

Well it clearly is if it's taking so
much of your time

I promise its not

Then if it isn't then you can clear
your schedule for me

I mean, this doesn't usually
happen so choose wisely

Now you just being dramatic. Can
we go some other time.

Wow. I never thought the tables
would turn this drastically.

Now I'm begging for your time

But really what's keeping you so

Oh you know...stuff

And why are you making me sound
so desperate??

What could possibly be more
important than me. Your

Just drop what you're doing. I
mean. You're not even telling
me what it is so it can't be that



Aish this girl

Do yoU WANnA deBuT or noT?

Are you serious?

That's what's so important that
you can't go on a date with me?


Now let me concentrate

No. You're gonna go with me tomorrow


I know where you live


See? Didn't kill you to agree


You love me

Whatever 🙄

Double update but not really since I republished yesterday's chapter but I hope you liked this one 😁 and I'll see you in the next chapter

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