:Chap 1:

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The air seemed bitterly sweet, unlike most nights around these parts. My brother and the gang walked off in their own direction towards the board walk about an hour ago, probably to go cause a scene but I on the other hand, had better things to do. A cool sea breeze managed to Wiz it's way under my leather trench coat, sending an unpleasant shiver up my spine causing me to wrap the thick coat tightly around my body. I'm not like most girls in this crazy town, I'm what you call...thic..yeah that works. My brains are my strong point, but so are my muscles, and I'm no skinny gal either but I'm not exactly over sized. My voice only speaks when I want to and not when others tell me, like my brother use to tell me
"Keep your mouth shut if you want dinner", in other words if you wanted to stalk your prey, you've got to be as stealthy as a tiger watching an antelope. A young girl, appearing to be in her mid 20's clung tightly onto her half burnt out cigarette in between her shivering right hand, leaning against the side wall of some store in front of me. Her figure seems extremely thin, not like it bothers me though, a feed is a feed. Slowly swaying side to side, I quickly master the art of acting like a drunk gal who has had one too many, and the blonde falls for it.
" You need some help girly?" Questioning the state that I seem to appear in, she pushes herself off the brick wall and makes her sweet way over to me.
"That would be.. marvelous" Slurring my words, I grab a hold of her shoulder, quickly pushing her against the opposite wall in the half alley.
Her eyes are full of fear as I feel the muscles in my face shift into their supernatural positions, and my eyes burn as they change colour.
"Thanks for being my meal" Smirking, I cover her plump, red lips with my free hand and sink my teeth into the side of her head, staining her bright blonde hair red and tear open her skull.

"Looks like you had fun my dear sister" My brothers voice breathed down my neck as I toss the woman's body away from the wall and onto Dwayne, who reluctantly catches what's left of the poor lady.
"I did indeed dear brother" Turning my body around slowly, my shoulder brushes against my brother's chest as I look at him.
"So Davey, how was your night?" Smirking deeply, Markos giggle echoed slightly through the small alleyway, causing David to lose our eye contact and look at the youngster.
"Shut it Marko" To which the blonde did.
"Dealt with that guard, so he shall no longer bother us" His mouth curled at the ends, smiling as he usually did after a kill.
"How grand"
My face shifted back to its usual state and I became less tense, adjusting my ACDC singlet and tucking it back loosely into my leather pants.
"You lot ready to go?" Pushing past my brother, I glanced over at the other three twats who are very much like brothers to me, and always have been, except one. Dwayne.
"Yeah, the place is getting empty" Paul motioned, turning to the entry/exit of the alleyway and pointing to the slowly disappearing crowd of outcasts that called Santa Carla home.
"Well then, let's go home boys"


Hope you enjoyed the first Chapter! I'll upload a better description of Ember later :)
Thanks for reading

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