Media Day

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We have been in the US for 1 day, we have 1 day till our first game against Portland. Many friends on that team.

Today was Media Day at the hotel for our team, I usually like media days but I dont think I I'll be fond of this one.

"Media day is a good day" Viv says jumping on my back as I was walking towards the elevator to head down for the day to start

"Dude, get off" I say laughing, us being similar in size makes it harder to carry her

"Get excited. Almost match day" she says as we take the lift down

"I'm always excited for match day" I say smiling brightly

"First we gotta get through this" she says smiling as we get off the elevator

The 2 of us walk together down the corridor of the hotel into the large hall type space which is used for weddings and parties. Media people filled the room, different areas for different ones and each of us had our own table. The perks of this team is when we wanted to stop we just get up and move on to other things... perks of being the best team in the world...

"Have fun" viv says patting my head as she heads over to her table

"How does it feel to be back in the US"
That was the first question I was asked as I sat down
"The US used to be home. It feels good being back here" a very simple answer as media day was officially under way

"You know most of the Portland Thorns players. Will the effect the way you play?"
"If your asking if I'm going to tell my team to hold off. The answer is no. We are here to win. Whether I know the team and players we wre facing or not, we are going to give it our 10p percent. Itd be rude and disrespectful not too. Portland expect a good game and a good fight, were here to give it to them"

"Tobin and yourself used to be really close friends. Is there a possibility for a reunion"
"Aha. Little Toby. I mean we will see each other during the game for sure. I'm sure she will be giving me plenty to do from my goal line. She causes trouble for keepers and I expect her to be worse with me. After the games over and we go back to being friends then for sure you can expect a hug or two. There is no used to be, we are still really close even if I dont live in the states no more... next question"
I answer these questions in the most respectful way possible... I answer a lot more questions about the match, about Spain and Real Madrid before the questions shift the The Lionnesses, England's national team, and my personal life... then the dreaded question comes up... Christen bloody Press

"After this game, you head to Chicago to play them, then Orlando and then the final game against your old team and you ex-girlfriend. How you feeling about these? Can you share any feelings or worries about these games?"
"There is no worries about them. We go out with the best starting 11 we have and we play the game we all love for the full 90 minutes. If not longer. If we win, then we win, if we dont then props to the team who beat us and we will accept that no matter what. Individual game feelings, well I'm looking forward to heading to Chicago after this, getting to see my Australian best friend Sam Kerr and her amazing partner and team mate Nicki Stanton. It's going to be amazing to see them again, it's been a couple of months since I last saw them so that game I'm looking forward too. Orlando is another one which I'm excited for, getting to see the friends I have on that team and being back in the sunny city of Orlando is something to be excited about in itself! Utah is a tough game, facing you old team is always hard but most of us ended on good terms. I'm still in touch with Laura Harvey and we talk about our lives a lot, she is family to me. I've even visited her a few times when I've had breaks in my schedule which isnt a lot but still. So yeah, Utah will be the toughest for me emotionally and mentally but I'm not one to back down from a game"

"Thank you for your time in answering these questions"

I just smile and nod as I get up and leave my table. I end up tormenting Nikita as shes attempting to answer questions, making her laugh. I walk behind her and mess her hair up making her and the reporters laugh.

"Y/N will you be joining Nikita and the Lionesses in Seattle for training before the SheBelieves" we both get asked and Keets looks at me and nods

"Of course I will be. Its prep before the big tournament really. I wouldn't miss it" I say smiling

"Shed miss her roomie too much!" Nikita says and I nod and laugh as I excuse myself and head for a drink

"You know you could verse us in the WWC" Vin says grabbing a drink at the same time

"And you know I will still be stood on that line staring you in the eyes as you try and score" I say smirking at her

"No,no,no there will be no try. I will shoot and score. It's what I do" she says bumping our shoulder together

"You do, against teams which I'm not in goal for" i say smiling at her

"Imma score no matter what. Let's get through this so we can do the match tomorrow" she says smiling

"Let's get it done Viv" I say smiling at her as we split off and head to do more interviews

Soon enough the night was coming to a close, I was laid up in my room with Nicki. Both on our phones with the lights off, it was approaching 10pm which is our curfew to sleep. The match days feelings were starting to kick in and excitement was setting. I couldn't wait.... just as I was about to lock my phone, a text appears... from an old good friend

'Good Luck Tomorrow, take it easy on me ;)'-Toby⚽️🏆

Tobin Powell Heath, the one I missed the most, the one I was closest to except from Chris. I smile as I read the text... sending back a nice simple message

'What does Easy mean again? Good luck to you too, Night Tobs😘' -Y/N

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