Match Day #1 - Portland Thorns

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Its here, game day has arrived. The girls and I were super excited for the match that we barely slept last night. Not the best thing to do but it happened. Currently living off of energy drinks to help us wake us as we are sat on the bus, too tired to make noise, heading to Providence Park. The home of the great Thorns and of course the Timbers. The home of my friends, good friends some of them.

"Almost time" Aslanni states fro. The seat opposite me

"We got this right" I say and she smiles nodding

"We got this for sure" she says flashing me a massive smile.

Time skip and hour, we had looked round the stadium. I've played here before. I know what to expect. With your back to the rafters, the red smoke which fills the sky from that side. The side the fans cheer loud for portland. You need to block it out and block it out I can do.

"Right keeps your up" our manager Joe says after finishing his talk

"Right girls gather round" I shout

The squad all get in a circle around me, we weren't letting anything get in the way today.

"Portland, queens if soccer in America. The team everyone fears but guess what, we don't. We don't fear them and we dont fear anyone! The fans are loud but so what, were louder. Keep your heads in the game and block out all the chants because there will chant, loud as can be. Defense keep your eyes on Raso, Heath and Sinclair. Heath likes to cut in from the left so be ready for that. There midfield is good so our midfield need to be better, try pull back when you can. I'll stop whatever I can from reaching the net. Strikers, do what you do best and score. We've got this girls, theres nobody better. Win on 3" I shout getting everyone in the mood

"3...2...1...WIN" we all shout after Keets started the countdown

We all head out, lining up in the tunnel, jumping on the spot. Me being at the front since I was Captain for the night. Sinclair stood parallel to me, she turns and smiles, I smile back. Knowing her from my time in the states.

We line up, shake hands. I hug Tobin of course and before we know we are in formation for the game and what a tough game itll be.

3rd person view
"Its the 3oth minute in this extraordinary game right now. Both teams fighting for dominance in what could be the game of the year ever played in this stadium. The thorns are on a breakaway right now, can they catch Madrid on the counter... its Klingenberg who sends in the low cross. Horan gathers in, what a perfect turn. Straight to Raso, beautiful team work. Heath now with the space. She goes for goal.....WHAT A SAVE!!!! Y/N PULLS OFF ANOTHER FANTASTIC SAVE KEEPING HER TEAM IN THIS GAME! AMAZING!!!!" the commentator says
Y/N Pov

Ok so I thought it was too easy, too soon. That shot was tremendous. I could barely see it! That sneaky little! It's what Tobin does best, shoot from awkward places and usually it goes in but not today. Luckily I saw it. It curved right over my 2 defenders, top right bin and I was stood left. I fully extended and dived as quick as I could. I did it though. I saved the shot. As I stood up with the ball, my team mates near me all pat my back

"Get out, push up" I am yelling at everyone to get up that pitch. We need a goal. We never go into half time scoreless

"You heard her, move it!" Nicki is shouting at everybody on the line

I hold my hand up letting them know I was about to kick it and kick it i did.

It must have been around the 40th minute, the ball sailed to me and I kicked it down the pitch. Aslanni got a head on it, knocking it to Danni. Danni laid it perfectly through Portlands defense to Viv who knocked it in with all her power! We were doing this. Up by 1!!!!

"YES VIV" I shout as she smiles and points at me from where she was running from!

45 minutes came, we were up by 1. Joe was happy, subs were made and we were back out.

Sadly the score line didnt change, but we won non the less, we were happy and I was keeping my shutout record

"I hate playing against you but nice saves" Tobin says pulling me into a massive hug just as I took my gloves off

"Thanks Toby. Sorry you didnt score" I say chuckling

"We didnt stand a chance against you in goal" she says and I smile st her brightly

"Thanks Tob" I say smiling

"Chica we need to change" danni shouts to me from where she was near the tunnel

"Do me a favour" tobin asks as I am about to walk off

"Sure" I answer confused

"I know you told you team to hold back. When you play Utah, let hell rain loose. Take them for everything there have, score many goals. Destroy them and her for what she did to you" tobin says completely serious regarding Christen

"I will" I say to her walking backwards while facing her

"Promise me" she says and I nod

"I promise"

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