Mission: Residence Assistant

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Hey Lovelies, 

Here's the next part wrote it all today because I really wanted to update! Hope you like it.

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Chapter 3 - Mission: Residence Assistance  


I drove through the gates of Kingswood Prep in my (well Louis White’s) beat up black sedan. For my disguise as Louis White I was wearing a black wig it was either that or I had to dye it and I refused to dye my hair. I had on dark brown contacts and they had made my eyebrows black and bushier. You wouldn’t understand what a big difference all this had done to changing my appearance. I was going to be the RA of Edison House and I was taking college classes over at Kingswood University which was 5 minutes away. Most of the RAs at Kingswood Prep were students at the University so Simon thought I should also take classes there. I pulled into my designated parking spot and walked towards the main building where all the RAs were meeting with the Principal.

I opened the door and was about to walk in when a girl yelled, “Could you hold the door for me please?”

“Sure,” I replied turning around to see girl holding a bunch of boxes. I could only see her shiny blue eyes the rest of her face was covered by the pile of boxes. “Do you need any help?”

“Yeah, thanks,” she said as I took some of the boxes from her. Now I could see her face clearly and she was pretty. She had dirty blonde hair which was pulled into a ponytail, she was wearing a blue blouse and khakis. She was smiling as she added “I’m Brooke by the way, I would shake your hand but they are busy at the moment.”

“Louis, nice to meet you and my hands seem to be busy at the moment as well,” I replied as I laughed. “Where do these need to go?”

“Follow me,” Brooke said as she began walking down the hallway. We soon came to the cafeteria which was full of people talking. “Just put them down here,” she said as she placed the boxes next to a table near the front.

“Are you an RA as well?” I asked Brooke as we walked over to the line to grab some food for lunch.

“Yeah Blackwell House, what about you?”

“Edison,” I replied as I picked up a plate of pasta. “Is this your first year RAing?”

“Yeah, I’m a freshman over at the University and it seemed like a cool job I get a place to stay so no dorming fees and I get paid for it.”

“Yeah, I go to the University too.”

We both took our trays and found a table when the principal came into the room. “Hello RAs, I hope you are enjoying your welcome lunch and getting to know your fellow workmates. Classes start in a week’s time and we want all of you to be prepared to help out the students. One of the reasons we take college students to be our RAs is because you are closer to the students’ age and you can identify with them and help them out.” The principal talked on and on about our job and what was expected of us. He also told us what we couldn’t do like date students even though we were only a year older then the seniors. After he was done talking he told us each to grab one of the boxes I had helped Brooke bring in which had handbooks and planners for the students in our houses.

“Are any of you in Blackwell house?” Brooke asked turning to the girls at our table.

“Nope, we’re in Anthony” replied a blonde girl.

A boy about my age said, “My girlfriend is RA at Blackwell House she went to say hey to someone over there though.”

“Oh cool what house are you? I’m Brooke by the way,” she replied.

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