Chapter 11

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I opened the door to the house, looking around I saw broken bits of wall, cracked floor tiles and fire but there was no one to be seen. I picked up a stick and lit it on fire then made my way up the stairs, all the lights were broken and the rooms were empty. Where was everyone? I walked into one room and looked out the window, I saw a number of people walking to the woods, I knew they were from the house as they were looking back, one of them noticed me and told everyone else I was there. I saw Stephanie and told her to take everyone to the middle of the woods, of course she read my mind, but I couldn't see Jamie. Everyone turned back round and headed for the woods, I heard a childs crying at that moment, I turned around and saw a little girl crying in the corner.

"Where's my mum?"

"It's ok, I'll get you out of here."

I picked her up and headed back down stairs, the girl was still crying. We reached the door, I started pulling on it tight to try and open it but it was locked.

"Miss, theres someone behind you."

I looked behind me and saw the same figure from earlier that day, it was walking closer and closer to me. I put the girl down, the figure turned into two figures now.

"So your the young lady that is with that weakling that we fought today."

"Who are you? And don't you dare talk about Alfie like that!"

The figure's turned into a boy and girl and behind them were more vampires I couldn't see how many there was.

"We're the ones that are going to kill you for everything you have!"

"So your the ones that everyone is talking about."

I put my left foot forward and help the flame in front of me.

"She can't be the one Mary, she's using fire to keep her safe."

"Oh it is her."

"Oh it is me, while you were talking I was busy freezing your little friends there oh and of course I froze you to the floor too."

They looked behind them to see ice sculptures then they looked at the floor and saw ice around their feet. I dropped the stick and held their necks.

"Where's my brother?"

They started to laugh, I let go of their necks, plants wrapped around them and I had control.

"Tell me where he is or I'll make these plants squeeze you to death!"

"We will never tell you."

The plants tightened around their bodies.

"Fine! He's up stairs but be quick or he'll die too."

"Phil! Why did you tell her?"

I ran to the stairs then turned back to them.

"I'm not done with you!"

"And we're not done with you!"

They broke free from the plants and the ice, a big plant vine threw me against the wall, I fell to the floor. The words 'You will fall and never get back up' ran through my head. I looked up at the man and women stood over me then I looked over to the little girl who was crying her eyes out, I unlocked the door with my mind and watched her leave. The man grabbed my neck and picked me up off the floor, my head was bleeding, so were my wrists and other parts of my body. He licked the blood from my head.

"She tastes good, young and full of power."

"Oooo Master will be happy now we have her. Now we have her the war can start."

I was too weak to do anything, I couldn't fight back, what did they mean Master? I heard someone running towards the door.

"Please Miss don't give up! Please we need you to fight!"

It was the little girl from before, the women went over to her and hit her. I held onto the mans arms and set myself on fire burning his arms. We fell to the floor, with everything I had I got up and kicked him. I saw my sword lying on the floor nearby, how it got there I don't know. I picked it up over my head and stabbed him straight into the heart, I knelt down and bit his neck and drunk every drop of blood in his body. Grabbing my sword I ran over to the girl and stabbed the women in the chest. She turned into dust in no time at all.

"Run to the middle of the woods and tell a guy called Henry that we need as many people as possible but only people who are stronge. There's going to be a war."

"What are you going to do Miss?"

"I'm going to fight!"

"But you lost alot of blood and that man didn't have much either."

"I'll be fine."

I started to walk towards the stairs but I stopped before them.

"Hey whats your name?"

"Amy Miss."

"Thank you Amy."

I ran up the stairs then down the hall way, to the room at the end. This was the beginning of what was going to come.

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