Chapter 12

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I pushed open the door to a dark smoky room, the smell of cigarettes flooded the hall. I coughed a little, I walked foward a few steps then saw a flame from a lighter.

"You know smoking is bad for you."

The person chuckled then put the light down.

"So you managed to get past the other two, see if you can get past these."

The lights turned on, Lucy and Jamie stood in front of me holding knifes.

"What have you done to them!"

I then noticed necklaces around their necks, they must of been charmed.

"Get her!"

They ran towards me, Jamie's knife penatrated my stomach, I fell to the floor. Lucy stabbed me in the arm then again in the leg. I screamed out, the pain was unbearable, they stepped back from me for a minute. I started to spit up blood, I pulled my sword out of my pocket and got up. They walked towards me again, I held out my sword and prayed that I wouldn't hurt them too bad. I stabbed Jamie in the stomach and froze him when he landed on the floor.

"I'm sorry Jamie, I'm so sorry."

I then went after Lucy, she doubled then doubled again then doubled a third time, there was now 6 Lucys all running at me. I knew which one was the really one, so I ran and killed the first one, it turned into dust straight away, the others followed. I was sure the last one was the real Lucy.

"I'm sorry Lucy but this is for your own good."

She ran at me and stabbed me below the heart, I fell to the floor. The sound of foot steps got closer and closer to me until the persons feet were in front of my face, I tryed to reach for my sword but the person's foot kicked it away.

"Well that was quicker than I thought it would be, from what I've heard your stronger than you look. While you lay there healing, I've got a surprise for you."

I looked up, his face was covered with a white mask.

"Is your face that ugly you have to hide it with a mask? Show yourself." 

He laughed then pushed a person down on the floor, they had a black bag over their head and were tied up with rope. The man pulled the bag from their head revealing Lewis.


I whispered, I couldn't shout or anything. He had cuts down his face and body.

"This 'Lewis' of yours dared to speak to me, this half blood vampire dared to speak to me! A full blood."

He knelt down and cut Lewis's face.

"Don't touch him!"

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the bleeding."

He stood up and put his boot on Lewis's face.

"Half bloods should never come near us full bloods. Ever! They are dirty and have no respect for us. This one here stabbed me! This world should only have full bloods, no vampires that used to be human because humans are our food!"

"Get off of him y-you old man! You have no respect for anyone, you say this world only needs full bloods yet your trying to kill me."

"Shut up, your weak, worthless and stained with the blood of your dad! Your as bad as me."

He walked over to me and kicked me in the stomach then in the face.

"Don't touch her."

He turned and looked at Lewis.

"What did you say?"

"I said don't touch her."

"Don't speak to me like that you flithy, stupid, weak, powerless half blood, you should die for your actions toward me!"

He walked over to Lewis again and hit him over and over again, I closed my eyes and got up. I wasn't fully healed and I didn't have the power to heal. I tapped him on the back, he turned around, I punched him in the face sending him flying across the room. I knelt down and untied Lewis, his eyes were closed and he was finding it hard to breath. I touched his face and kissed him gently on the forehead.

"Please Lewis, I can't loose you again." 

I looked up and saw the masked man stood over me, I picked up my sword and stood up. I tryed to stab the man but he blocked it, I kicked him but he blocked that too, he held on to my foot then pushed it away sending me back into the wall. I froze his legs to the ground but he melted the ice and ran towards me, his hands like blades, they pierced my skin. He held on to my heart, then sunk his fangs into my neck. I stabbed him in the chest, he didn't move, I stabbed him again and again but it made no difference. He wasn't drinking my blood, his fingers felt like daggers holding my heart. His fangs left my neck and his hands left my chest. I fell to the floor, blood surrounded my body, I couldn't move. He licked his fingers, then picked me up and held on to my arms and pretend to dance with me.

"You should thank me I didn't crush your heart, I drank your blood while you were too busy trying to kill me."

He licked my neck, then carried on dancing.

"You should be my wife and we could live for ever 'cause Alex my darling you would look lovely by my side."

He pushed up his mask abit then kissed my neck and then again on my lips. I pushed away landing on the floor.

"I'd rather die than be your wife!"

"Well that can be arranged."

He knelt down next to me, I tryed to hold my body up with my arms.

"Now you could be by my side for ever and let me feast on your blood when I like. Or I kill your brother, that half blood and that ugly boyfriend of yours."

I grabbed him and kissed him while I reached for my sword and stabbed him in the chest, I turned my hand into an ice blade and stabbed him in the chest and held his heart.

"You shouldn't under estemate me."

I ripped out his heart and drank his blood, the blood that was rightfully mine. I lay there on the floor, in a room on fire, holding a heart that was still beating. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beat while I was waiting for my life to be over.

I heard foot steps getting closer and closer to me, I opened my eyes and saw the man in the white mask knelt over me. Knife in hand.He pulled away the mask, his eyes looked deep into mine.

"Didn't think I would be alive, did you?"

My eyes widened, why him?


He dropped the mask and kissed me, he pulled away, smiled then laughed.

"You always fell for my brother, we all used to be together as a group but you liked my brother more, so I got angry and went looking for my farther at the time you lost your memory. I was going to kill Alfie and have you for my own. Alex I love you but we can never be."

He stabbed me in the heart then kissed me again, I held his face, I remembered when we were kids I always liked Rick mored but then he started pushing me around and hit me. Thats when Alfie stepped in and stopped him, he then ran away and my love for Alfie grew and my memories of Rick faded.

I turned my head and saw Alfie stood at the door.

"Rick get off her!"

"I'll be back Alex don't forget our deal."

He turned into dust, I held his heart in my hand and listened to the last heart beat. I closed my eyes and waited for death to come my way but somehow part of me new I wasn't going to die. Vampires live for ever, for ever alone as it seems.

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