Mercy x Moira-Not So Different After All

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Mercy's POV
    As I walked down the white and blue hall, I heard my heels clicking against the tiles on the floor. Each click seemed like I was going faster and faster. I was in such a hurry to get these papers to Morrison that I didn't even notice the cloud of black and purple smoke in front of me.
    As soon as it appeared in front of me, I ran right into a person. My papers when tumbling to the ground. "Verdammt!" I yell- whispered as I rubbed my head, "I need to get these to Morrison ASAP! I'm already a few days late on these!"
"So you can't stay and chat a bit with an old friend?"
I look up to see none other than the Talon healer, Moira. "What are you doing here?" I asked concerned. If she got caught, she would be in some HOT arsch water. "Nothing. Just getting some papers to Reaper. ASAP." Moira responded. "What papers?" I ask, very confused as she has no papers in her arms. " These ones." She says as she takes the papers I had worked so hard on. The ones I needed to give to Morrison. Now.
    "Hey!" I yell, reaching for my side arm. I pat the holster where my gun would be. Nothing. "Looking for this?" Moira asks with a smirk on her face. There in her other hand, the one not holding my papers, is my Caduceus Blaster. "Give me those back!" I scream at her and pounce on her, trying to get at least one of my possessions back. She teleports out of sight. "What am I going to do now?" I ask myself. I'm going to be in so much trouble if Morrison finds out that this happened."
Then I hear, " Oh, you can have these papers back."
"What?" I asked Moira.
"You can have them back. I already made copies of these." She explained. "But you DO have to come get this back." She said, holding up my gun. "But for now, beannacht, tú éan taibhseach." And with that, she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
    At least I still had my papers. I try and reorganize the papers as best as possible before heading to Morrison's office. On top of the stack of papers, there's a small post-it-note that read 'you'll be heading to Eichenwalde today. Meet me at the castle after the battle. ~ Your Lovely BlackBird'
'Was this Moira's doing?' I think to myself.  Well, I need to get these papers to Morrison before I think to hard on anything. I continue my power walk down the hall to his office.

Moira's POV
My heart beats fast. I can't believe I just did that. But will she actually show up? I believe she will. I do have her puney, ludicrous "side arm". She deserves so much better than that. I wonder why she doesn't get a real weapon. Maybe I should try something.

Mercy's POV
    After I got the papers to Morrison, he let me have the rest of the day off. I honestly wish he didn't. Now I'm going to think about that note Moira gave me. If he would've given me work, I would be distracted and wouldn't constantly think about it. Did she mean it in a buddy-buddy way?
A more than buddy-buddy way?
    Though I would never confess it to any of my colleagues, I wouldn't hate it if she meant it in a more romantic way. I think I like her. A lot. She was an old confident. When things got rocky, I thought I would never see her again. I thought that I would move on from something that I saw as so frivolous. I didn't even know if Moira liked girls that way. I suppose she likes me that way though. I really hope she does.
    But how would it even work? She's part of Talon. I'm part of Overwatch. I'm a golden Dove she's a Purple and Yellow tinted BlackBird. Two entirely different things. People. Are we even "compatible"?

I suppose I shall find out.

Moira's POV
I just put the finishing touches on Mercy's new and improved Caduceus Blaster. It was a tad bit larger and could fire blasts at a faster rate then before. Plus those blasts should do more damage than before. With a little help from Sombra of course. No more puney-pistol-pretty-prissy-medical-princess.
    Maybe others will finally see her for the Queen that she is. A lovely person. An amazing, thoughtful, gorgeous, partner. No matter if she even realizes it. I believe that I'm going to be the first person to tell her that, actually meaning it. Not just because of looks or the makeup she wears. Because of her queen personality. I can't wait to see her tonight.

Mercy's POV
We arrived at EichenWalde a little later than expected. That's alright though. We touch down around 5-ish. The mashup battle should take anywhere from 2-3 hours. It'll likely be dark when I'm supposed to meet Moira.
    My team was Hanzo and Genji on DPS, Reinhardt and tanking, and me and Lucio on support. The team we were opposing was McCree and Tracer on DPS, Orisa and Wrecking Ball tanking, and Moira and Baptiste on support. We were defending, they were pushing. We run out to get ready to defend, Lucio giving us a little head start with his speed amplifiers. I was still off from reading the note earlier. Lucio very much noticed this.
    "Are you okay, Mercy? Are you sure you can battle today?" He asked me. "Yeah. I think so. I'm just a little distracted." I responded. "Got it." Replied Lucio. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm right here." "Thank you." He nodded and skated off to help another teammate. I appreciated his words, though I don't think I would bother him about this. Especially not in the middle of a battle. In the middle of my thoughts, a hand slammed right next to my head. McCree. "What's a pretty little healer like you doin' all alone out here?" He asked with a menacing smirk. I reached down to grab my Caduceus Blaster. Scheisse. Moira has it. I look around frantically for something I can grab. There's nothing close enough to grab.  Could I try and make a run for it? No. He has me cornered. He starts to lean in.
   I do the only thing I can think of. I pull my head far back and then pull it forward fast, head butting him. He removes his hands from either side of me. Putting his hands on his face. Blood visibly running down it. I take my chance to run. I use my Guardian Angel ability to glide to a teammate and away from McCree as fast as possible. I shiver as I do so. That could've been a whole lot worse.

Moira's POV
I watch from afar, seeing McCree lean in closer to her face. I feel my stomach drop. As soon as I'm about to step in to do something. Mercy head butts him. Hard. He starts bleeding. She rushes off quickly. I feel a sense of pride rise in my chest. The woman I love can defend herself so well. She's so strong and powerful. I get even more nervous about tonight.

Mercy's POV. The first round My team ended up winning. We successfully defend the second capture point, after they captured the first one. The second round, the opposing team won. They also successfully defended the second capture point.
    Everyone went to clean up and change. I changed into a more casual outfit: a white sweater with skinny jeans. Gold pearl earrings and black converse with gold and white stars. I sneak out of the shop to meet up with Moira. I find her standing on the balcony above the throne.
When she sees me she has a small smile and slightly pinker cheeks.

Moira's POV
Dia, she looks gorgeous in that outfit. So casual yet so star-bound. She looks like a goddess herself. Like at any moment she could pull the moon, sun, and stars out of the sky and rearrange them herself. Like she could have a halo above her head made of stardust, glowing, just like her.

Mercy's POV
    I gaze at Moira's attire. She's taken her armor and tanks off. She has a long sleeved, black turtleneck on, white jeans but the pockets are painted purple and yellow. There are also little bubbles and X's painted in yellow and purple scattered around on the jeans. They really match her personality well. She has a long, cape-like jacket on top of it.
    It was relatively hard to see anything for it was nighttime and the only source of light we had was moonlight.
    I was the first one to speak, " You wanted to meet here?" I ask. "Yes." She responds, " I actually have something for you." She tells me. "Really? What is it?" I ask. Moira hands me a medium box. I open it. It's my Caduceus Blaster but so much better looking. It's a bit better and it even has a little itty bitty scope! I can fit more amo in it at once too! It's so much stronger! "Thank you! This is amazing! Thank you so much. This means a lot." I tell her. "Really?" She responds. "Yeah! It's amazing!" I look at her with a large smile on my face. Her blush darkens.
    Then, she coughs and says, "Only the best for the best." I blush and laugh a bit. " Really though. I do like you a lot. For real." She explains. I reply,"I like you a lot too. And I think this could work. Even if we do have some differences, I think that in the end, we're not so different after all."

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