What is it? That thing outside your window?

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It's dark outside. You've stayed up late to finish an essay for school. You're sitting in the dining room, a window to your left, the stove, microwave, etc behind you, the hallway to the rest of your house in front of you, and a wall to your right. You have the light in the dining room off, the only light source being the faint glow emitted from your laptop as you type away, wanting to get the essay done as soon as possible. You have earbuds in and are listening to your favorite music to listen to while working on school projects. You hear bumps and rattles every now and then but you think nothing of it. The house is probably old and some of it's probably just the music. So you keep writing, and writing, and writing. Before you know it, it's passed 12. You're tired and frankly quite paranoid, running on such little sleep. But you keep on trucking on that essay. You need to get it done before tomorrow. That's when it's due and you cannot afford another marked down paper just because you turned it in late. The little bumps and rattles never ceased though. You still hear them. It almost feels as if they're becoming louder and louder as time passed by. You try and shrug it off. Maybe it's the neighbors. Maybe it's some stray animal outside. Who knows? So you keep writing. You keep writing until the noises you hear become unbearably loud. That's when you peek out the window. There it is. Out of the corner of your eye. Just standing there. Brown beady eyes staring at you. Mouth much larger than a humans. And it opens. Words begin to pass out of its large lips and it says,

"Hi. I'm Connor. The android sent by CyberLife."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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