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People flooded the club, floor after floor slowly began to fill with party goers and the night owls who couldn't sleep so they came to party themselves to bed,usually by getting drunk off of their asses.

The Grid. This whole place used to be Mitroviç robotics, but after the company went bust and eventually, after it failed, we moved in. The Club scene was one of the most lucrative businesses in Neo City, but we had to offer something unique.

So we gave private booths for drunk guests to sleep together in complete with beds for the steamier moments and every night, we had our own actual techno DJ Skiltzer on the turntables.

The Grid was the perfect club. The perfect front for our base of operations. Here, everyone only knew Demi and Raven who worked for the Syndicate and Dysko club, but the rest of us? We were just friends of theirs. All of us had our fake ID's made, and none of us had any ties to The Syndicate or any other group as far as anyone else was concerned. I was just the owner of a club, and Demi helped me run it, the rest of the gang were fronting as investors, kids with big dreams trying to make it in a big city.

Public bought it. No one suspected us of hiding anything or being suspicious, not even other hacker groups. No one tried hacking us, and we never put up any real cyber security, so what was the point? Hackers love a challenge. No point in breaking in through the back undetected if the front doors wide open.

It was almost perfect.


We all sat in the VIP lounge, being served by waitresses with hourglasses for bodies. They handed us our beverages each and all of us rose our glasses in cheers.

"To the fuckin New Age baby!"

The alcohol stung my throat as I set the glass down.

"So?! What's our next move?" Trixy asked.

"That's a good question sis, what is our next move?"

I thought about it for a bit, looking around the room.

"Nothing. We do nothing. For the next few weeks we can't do anything."

"The fuck do you mean?!" Switch asked,standing up from his seat. "We're supposed to be planning our next move!"

"And our next move is to not move. Guy's do you not understand what we just did? We broke into the fucking NCN. Exposed Mogwai Corp for something that might seem small to them but is major to the public. We also sent several of their hover vans crashing and killed some of their droids that they sent after us in pursuit. We've cost them millions. They're on high alert now, Mogwai troops are already raiding the streets."

"Your point?"

"They'll be waiting for us. We need to wait for the heat to die down first, then we make our next move."

Switch chuckled and paced round the room. "Come on man! We need to be thinking bigger! Go bigger!"

"We will. What Grin's saying is that if we make a new move right after something this big, we'll get caught."

"And this whole revolution will be over before it even begins."

"I think you're just being a pussy." Switch said, walking up to me, shoving his hand against my chest.

Hostile detected!

Eight shoved him back, his visor going red.

"Back off man."

"You think I'm scared of some shithead behind a mask?"

Trixy rose up and drew her gun, which led Switch to draw his gun on Eight.

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