A Fan Of Your Work

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I was fucking ECSTATIC!

I mean, I was about to meet Grin, the man behind the inner workings of the Dysko Club Data Jacker group, and the person who single-handedly took down Mitroviç robotics and the ARM and infiltrated Neo City News like it was just another day at the office.

Do you know how much time it took for me? To write those lyrics? So that his specific decrypter would pick it up? I mean I needed to really, and I mean fucking really dig through the deepest corners of the web to find the schematics for Zephyr 30-03-22, the synthetic and yes I knew what he was, I found it funny how so many people were suddenly forgetting the latest in innovative tech, how Doctor Roland suddenly just vanished from the airways, a man who had made history mere months ago was just nothing now? And Mogwai releasing  a new product just after his disappearance? It was all too damning as evidence that Mogwai was up to something, but they never had anything to showcase, said that their product was taking longer than anticipated. Mogwai never did that. Whenever they had a product in mind, they only announced it when it was ready to fly off the shelves so they could rake in the money. Now, just an announcement and nothing to show for it?

And who would've thought that with just a little data mining I found the gold mine of all their bullshit. The human Synthetic escaping Akido corporation after being chased by a shit ton of men suspiciously dressed in Mogwai's signature augmented armour.

Regardless, he was on his way. Changed his name to Ryder. Or maybe his name was Ryder? Either way, I could barely contain my excitement. I was meeting the leader of Dysko, who I'd become a massive fan of, I mean I'm all about that hacktivist, expose people for their shit type vibe, give people the truth and not lies, it's all I do every day, and also the first ever human synthetic?! God I was beyond excited!

I'd seen him a little bit on the camera footage but I never saw who he was now. Grin? Grin was something else entirely. A whole new image, something so much different from the scared guy I saw in those video's.

My driver took his sweet time taking them from where they were, The Grid, to where I was, my concert venue over on   S Ware Hill, literally just a few hundred metres away from the Grid.

Drumming my fingers impatiently against my armchair was a habit. Bad? Probably. It annoyed most people, but it helped quite a lot whenever I needed to find a melody.

Another reason for my excitement? Damonenblume. Demon Rose when translated from...whatever language its from. Either way! I was a huge fan of her work too, and even though she was hidden behind a mask, I knew that figure any day of the week. I'd heard small snippets and rumours about her over on the Red Carpet.

You didn't hear it from me, but Rock Star Harry Coleman apparently fell victim to her. Again, you didn't hear it from me, but apparently his girlfriend wasn't all too happy with him when she found him having too much fun on tour...with escorts.

Mister Harrison Coleman wasn't a bad guy, I actually did a few Collabs with him, incredible artist, voice to die for, but fuck me if he had a ego the size of Saturn's Rings.

Kind of sad Harry was taken out. Never suspected old Demon Rose, but after I did some more digging into her, I found out everything there was to know about her, especially her Modus Operandi. Girl favored sniper rifles, 7.65 rounds fired from a seemingly untraceable rifle, more than 500 yards away? Girl had skill.

Also knew her as Demi, the girl who supplied me with my occassional Jiggles pick me up. Though I never went in person to buy Jiggles.

You know what a PR nightmare that would be? If my fans found out I was taking Jiggles? Not because they'd think its bad, but because the media would twist it to fuck up my image? That's the shit thing about NCN. They talk big about giving people reliable and accurate news, only to brainwash them and feed em a bunch of lies. Not unlike most other artists in the music industry.

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