Chapter III

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You leave the house angry. You hate being angry because it makes you hate everything and everyone. You're short, curt, nasty, snappy, and everything else under the sun. You hate that you've just had a big argument with Chloe but things got pretty heated between you two and you're not proud of yourself. You know that you will apologise to each other once things cool off but right now, you're too angry and you know Chloe is too angry as well. You think that Chloe was being unreasonable with you. She knew what your life was going to be like - she KNEW that and now she's saying that she can't do it anymore. The words cut you deeply but you don't think it was fair of her to say those things to you. You honestly don't know what else she wants from you. You've given her a good life and she's given you a good one in return.

You walk along the streets of Los Angeles and it's probably not the smartest move since you're super famous and everybody knows who you are but it's rather dark and you're wearing a big coat that disguises you. You just want to be alone but if some fans come up to you, smiling and happy, you wouldn't really be opposed. After the argument you had with Chloe, you could do with some kindness. Even though you're still angry at Chloe, you still want to fix things with her but you're not sure how that's going to happen this time. You both said some pretty nasty things to each other and you haven't got that heated in a very long time. You wish things didn't have to come to that but they did and you can't change that now. All you can do is just take some time to calm down, then talk to Chloe when you're both ready.

You hope that Chloe won't stay mad at you for long but again, you did have a pretty bad argument. Just when you start to calm down, you get a text from Chloe who tells you that she's going to stay over at Aubrey's tonight. The news hurts you but you understand and it just goes to show how much you hurt her. Again, you're not proud of yourself but it's done now. Aubrey is Chloe's number one person she turns to whenever things get rough. Of course, she comes to you but Aubrey has just as much gravity as you do when it comes to giving advice and having a shoulder to cry on. Aubrey is probably more sensible and that's okay with you but what's not okay with you is how Chloe goes to her when you and Chloe have a falling out of some kind.

You and Aubrey didn't see eye to eye in college. You were practically enemies for a little while until she let go of the reigns and let you save the Bellas from total failure. When she left college, your relationship with her got better since she was exercising her control issues at a lodge but there was always some tension between you two and there still is. You know it's because Chloe is Aubrey's best friend and Aubrey gets extremely protective over Chloe. Chloe may be the happiest, most beautiful, and most loving person in the world but that doesn't mean that she hasn't been treated poorly in the past. Tom is a great example of that. When you and Chloe first started dating, Aubrey gave you the best friend chat saying that you had to look after her, treat her right, love her, etc. You agreed to do all of those things and you were afraid of Aubrey but when she stepped closer to you, looked you right in the eye, and threatened to make your life a living Hell if you hurt her best friend, yeah, that scared you a little.

You know Aubrey always follows through on what she says and you weren't going to take your chances at pissing her off, not that you would take your chances at hurting Chloe, but you sure as shit didn't want to get on Aubrey's bad side and you still don't. You know that Chloe staying over at Aubrey's will only make Aubrey despise you more. She doesn't hate you but you have been arguing a lot with Chloe and Aubrey knows about it and she's warned you to be careful. You tell her to take it easy and reassure her that everything will be fine but you secretly do take her warnings seriously, you just don't let her see it. It's dangerous for Aubrey to think she has any sort of power of you even if you are scared of her threats. You're just lucky that you're not one of the people that has hit on Stacie before. You never thought you'd fear for somebody else in your life because when Aubrey gets jealous and protective, you better run for the hills. Let's just say people would think twice before making a move on Stacie again or even looking at her in a more than friendly way.

Chloe gets that way with you though. She gets jealous and protective and it's cute but also very dangerous. You get the same way with her. Too many people have checked out and hit on your woman and you can't help but get jealous and protective. Chloe is your world and the thought of somebody taking her from you makes you feel all kinds of things that you hate. Thankfully, Chloe always goes home with you and reassures you that she loves you and just like that, all of your doubts and insecurities disappear. You don't know how Chloe does it but you don't question it. She's the best thing that's ever happened to you and she always will be.

You lose track of time when you're out and about but you decide to head back home once you've realised that you've entered the more dangerous parts of Los Angeles, especially when you see a pair of men look at you. They look familiar and that's when you know that you have to go. It's creepy so you make your way back home as fast as you can. You can feel them following you so you cut corners and take shortcuts in hope to lose them and when you reach your multi-million dollar home, you race inside and lock the door. You're sweating and panting from powerwalking and a bit of running. You don't think you were followed but when you get into the kitchen and see a pair of men in front of you, you know that you were.

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