Chapter VII

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You couldn't have gotten home quick enough if you tried. You practically sped home as best you could in L.A traffic. As soon as you got home, you went into Beca's office and opened up her case file and suddenly, you burst out into tears. You know that Beca is gone. You've known that for a while now but seeing her case file hits you hard and it just reinforces that she really IS gone. There's no bringing her back. The knowledge of that hurts you and you know it will always hurt you but there's nothing you can do now. Beca's is gone and now, you need to study the crap out of her case file to figure out who killed your wife. You look at the abstract of the case, which summarises everything that happened. Beca was found in the kitchen of her own home with multiple stab wounds, which resulted in her death. There were no signs of sexual assault but were signs of resistance from the attackers.

Nothing was stolen from the house nor was anything damaged. The police assumed that the motive was strictly to harm Beca and kill her. Police indicated that the attackers were most likely crazed fans or stalkers. Police had searched the house thoroughly for any signs of DNA in regards to Beca's murderers but they came up short. They searched inside the house and outside the house and around the area with a fine tooth comb but nothing was found. The only thing that was found was the murder weapon, which was a kitchen knife that had no prints on it. The police had very little to go on. You read through the evidence and you can understand why it's been hard for the police to find something but you're not going to let that stop you.

You move onto the next part of the file, which was the accounts from next door neighbours and what you gave the police. Beca returned home from the airport around eight at night, which is when you and Beca began to argue. You argued for about half-an-hour and that's when Beca left. You were home by yourself but left soon after to go to Aubrey and Stacie's. Around half-past nine, next door neighbours heard yelling from the Mitchell household. The yelling intensified and they eventually heard screaming. Ten minutes later, around nine-forty, the neighbours called the police, stating they heard yelling and screaming coming from the Mitchell household. Ten minutes later - ten o'clock - Los Angeles police arrive at the Mitchell household and find Beca Mitchell dead on her kitchen floor due to excessive stab wounds.

You read through the timeline and it's not very long. Everything happened within a span of two hours. You gave everything you could to the police and reading the statements you gave them crushes you. You remember that night. You were in tears and you could hardly breathe, let alone speak. Thankfully, Chicago and Zeke were very patient and calm with you. You weren't able to give them the information they needed for about an hour or so since that's how long you were heavily grieving for. It was the worst night of your life and it always will be. Your guilt will always be with you. You feel like you're responsible for Beca's death since you argued with her before she was killed. You have already gone through the what if's and all that before so there's no point in going through that Hell again.

You focus your attention onto the files. Beca's body was looked over by the coroner who concluded that the cause of death was multiple stab wounds, one of which that went straight into Beca's heart, stopping it almost immediately. You're no doctor but you know that stab wounds would be the most difficult to deal with. Beca had been stabbed multiple times and even if she didn't get stabbed in the heart, you're confident that the chances of Beca surviving the stab wounds would have been slim. She was only small and according to the notes given by the coroner, the wounds were deep and Beca lost a lot of blood in a small amount of time. You hate to think that way and come to the conclusion yourself but it's true.

Sargeant Chicago Walp and Officer Zeke Bernie were the first ones on the scene. After taking photos of the scene and taking all the information they could from Beca's body, they removed the corpse that was taken straight to the coroner who concluded Beca's death. Once that was completed, Beca's body was burnt. There's not much else said about Beca's body - just the stab wounds and what the coroner said about it. There is nothing in regards to DNA on Beca's body that could lead to the identity of the killers. You check the rest of the file to make sure that you didn't miss anything but that's it. There's nothing else there. But this doesn't make any sense. Why would Chicago and Zeke remove Beca's body from the crime scene so fast? They were the only ones who saw it besides the coroner and the body was being put in the van just as the Crime Scene Investigations Unit arrived to study the scene.

It doesn't make sense until it clicks in your head and it all makes sense. It makes you sick to your stomach but it makes sense. Chicago and Zeke were the first ones on the scene. They were the only ones who saw the body. They were the ones to remove the body or more so... dispose of it. That's when you conclude - Beca was killed by Chicago and Zeke, two men who knew Beca well... two killers...

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