The Calm Before the Storm

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Yay! Welcome to my story! I hope you enjoy it!
The prologue part is written by @locker130 the bestest writer I've ever met. Thanks for letting me steal your story 😋.
If you haven't (but you most likely have) go check her stories out.
Prologue Alexander's POV
The bright words against the gray wall stood out. They called for eyeryone to see them. I stared at the letters, pulling the earbuds out of my ears. REVOLUTION. Everyone pushed by me, on there way to work, on there way to futures, on there way to careers. A redcoat scrubbed letters, unsuccessfully trying to remove the letters from the underpass. He turned around and glared at me. "Keep moving."
Reluctantly, I turned from the graffiti and continued on my way...somewhere. Ever since "King" George won the presidency, our economy has crumbled. College dropout rates have risen to the highest ever. Minimum wage has been lowered to barely one dollar an hour. Only corporate businesses seem to be okay.
I snap out of my thoughts as a figure in a black hood rushes by me. A silver object slips out of his pocket. We bump shoulders but he continues to run, only briefly turning around to catch a glimpse of my face. Questions instantly flood my mind. Why is he running? And where to?
I pick up the silver object realizing it's one of those old iPod shuffles. I almost laugh. Who even has one of those anymore?
"Sir, sir!" I call after him. "You dropped-" I cut myself off as he doesn't stop and disappears into the crowd. With a shrug, I pocket the iPod. Maybe I'll return it to him one day... or sell it on eBay.
There is no way I'm ever going to top her amazing writing skills, so be warned this will not be as good what so ever.
Chapter Uno:
Nerves wrack my body as I walk into the training room. I have been preparing for this moment my entire life, yet my stomach feels as if it has swallowed my heart. I gulp as the words of my adopted father race through my mind Make me proud Alexander, make me proud. It seems like a lovely sentiment, passed down from a father figure to his son, but to me it's a grim warning of what he would do to me if I fail him, I could loose everything that I have worked towards.
I take a deep breath, bringing the fake smile to my lips, a smile I use way to much. I saunter into the room (like my father taught me) as if I am the most popular one there, and maybe I just am. I loop my fingers into Eliza's hand. She smiles at me, as we practiced. I lean in pretending to whisper something into her ear. She giggles and a few of the girls around us squeal. I try my hardest not to look in their direction. Not to frown at them. They, like most other girls, notice me when I'm with Eliza. And every time it brings up the burning question: Aren't I good enough on my own?
Noticing my discomfort Eliza (my best friend since kindergarten) says, "Alex, dear, let's head over to the refreshment table to get a drink."
I nod. I follow her lead as we head over to the punch bowl in the corner. Our opening banquet, where all the initiates and there families get to know each other, has just begun and hardly anyone has touched the food.
A young man walks in, I had never seen him around before. I had met most of the other initiates, my parents being the top spies of the agency makes you have to know everyone.
He was very dashing, dressed in the suit he was wearing. I couldn't help but eye him across the room. He notices my bit of staring and winks at me, a blush spreads across my cheeks and I look back at an annoyed Eliza.
"Alex!" Eliza groans.
"Sorry." I say, taking one glass glance at the mystery boy before Eliza steaks me away to the dance floor.
As we begin to dance, to a rather peculiar song called Disco Duck, Eliza whispers in my ear, "Alex you should know better than anyone that there are cameras everywhere. Our parents are watching us. We have kept this charade up for a while know. I don't want to get caught because your crushing on the knew guy."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry." I apologize.
She laughs as if I had said something funny, I chuckle playing along. This is going to be a long, long night.
My thoughts of escape are interrupted by the steady stream of attendees flowing through the main doors and taking their seats. Family members of initiates crowd into tables decorated with our agency's star emblem. Eliza and I, hand in hand, walk over to our table. Our parents sit chatting amongst themselves.
"Eliza, darling you look gorgeous." My mother coos, coming up behind us and showing us to our seats.
"Don't they make a lovely couple?" Eliza's father asks with a clenched smile, his eyes drifting off towards another table.
I swallow down the temptation to roll my eyes and force a cheery smile.
"Of course we do daddy." Eliza says, patting her father's hand gently.
"Welcome one and all to this years initiation ceremony." A man, a few years older than I am says.
"How are we doing tonight?" A woman, about the same age as her coworker exclaims. I instantly recognize her as Eliza's older sister Angelica.
A few murmurs and claps ring out.
"I said, how are we doing tonight?!" Angelica shouts with enthusiasm.
No one responds as a still silence falls over the room.
"Tough crowd." Angelica mutters as the man continues.
"I'm Charles and this is Angelica," Charles begins. "We will be these fine young men and woman's trainers over the past few months until they are assigned their jobs and become full-fledged spies."
Once I become a true spy, I will be able to meet the President. And I have a few things to say to him.
A few people clap, but most people look aimlessly at their phones. Peggy, Eliza's younger sister lets out a "Go Angie!"
People turn towards Peggy, her face turning the color of the bright red strawberry she is about to pop in her mouth.
"We ask our initiates to come up with us as we read out there names."
"Lafayette." A man I had seen frequently around stands up and takes his seat among the row set out for us initiates.
"Alexander." I walk up to the chairs and sit down, placing a proud smile on my lips. Although I am not proud of myself, not yet.
"John." The man from earlier approaches the stage, he flashes me a quick smile and my heart flips in my chest. He sits down next to me and stretches out his hand to meet mine. I take his warm hand in mine, shaking it.
"Are you knew here?" Using all the courage I can muster to ask him this simple question.
"Yeah just flew in for training a week ago." He smirks "I'm the best of the best."
Although I know he is joking with me, I can't help but believe that he is actually a very good spy.
Before I know it, the rest of the initiates sit beside me, beaming from ear to ear.
"Congratulations to our initiates!" Calls out Charles.
"And let's eat!" Angelica exclaims. That wins a thunderous round of applause, Angelica smiles content,y as we make our way back to our tables to eat.
Boy, was this going to be an interesting time in my life or what?

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