I was tagged

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I never respond to these but now that I have a book I'll do them. I'll probably make a tag book so I don't have to interrupt the story.
Anyways, thank you so much @Kittensrmylife123 for tagging me💕💕💕
1. Your nickname. I don't have one
2. Your eye color. Blue
3. Your hair color. Brown
4. One fact about you. I have 2 siblings who are younger than me
5. Favorite Color. Purple
6. Favorite Place. My house lol
7. Favorite Celebrity. Lili Reinhart💕❤️
8. Favorite Animal. Bunnies 🐰
9. Favorite Song. Disco Duck!!!
10. Favorite Book. Thats tricky, but I really love Divergent and Hunger Games
I hope I did this right, I'm going to tag some amazing people, sorry if you've already done it.
@anyone else who wants to do this.

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