The Truth Comes Out

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Alexander's POV
I walk into the training room actively trying to avoid Eliza. After ditching her last night to go to McDonalds with John I knew she would be more than salty.
I successfully hide behind three punching bags, a half wall, and a group of giggling girls before Eliza unfortunately notices me.
She rushes toward me a furious look on her face, I duck behind a male close to me quickly trying to avoid the wrath of Eliza.
Little did I notice, was that I had ducked behind John, my not so secret crush. "Hiding from your girlfriend, again?"
"Yep." I respond, my face turning the color of a fire truck.
"If you don't like her, why don't you just break up with her?" John asks.
I swerve, trying to avoid Eliza's line of sight. "It's complicated."
"Complicated?" John questions, trying to shield me.
"Our parents have basically groomed us to be together since we were tiny." I respond "I've never really felt, whatever it is I'm supposed to feel with Eliza."
"So you've only ever had one relationship?"
"Yeah, but there was this guy..." I trail off, remembering how Eliza ripped me away from him when we were the young age of fourteen, telling me I would never be able to talk to him again. She blocked him on my phone and told me I could never call him under any circumstances.
"Alex, did you ever think that maybe the reason Eliza is okay with you guys being "together" and is so protective over you is because Eliza actually likes you?"
My mouth dropped open as realization kicks in. I always thought Eliza was doing all these things because she wanted to obey her parents, but maybe she just had real feelings for me.
"Just something to think about." John says, patting me on the back.
As soon as he leaves me to go talk to a few of our fellow initiates, Eliza approaches me with a huff.
"Alex, where did you go last night?" She asks in a sharp whisper, her eyes staring daggers into my soul. She lets out a fake giggle.
"Oh Alex, your so funny!" She says loudly, so that practically the whole room can here.
She slaps me on the chest, very angrily, making me wince. She forces a cute innocent smile on her lips.
"I went to McDonalds." I say simply. "Is that a crime?"
I turn my back on her as George and Angelica walk into the center of the room calling for everyone's attention.
~Time Skip~
"How was your first day of training, son?" Dad asks as he cuts his steak, chewing slowly.
"Great, I got put on the field! So, I'm really excited that..."
Dad cuts me off. "When your mother and I was your age we were put into the field, that's how we became top spies."
"Where was Eliza placed, darling?" Mom asks, as she takes a sip from her glass of red wine.
"In the communications..."
Yet again, I am interrupted by my mother this time. "Oh that's a shame."
"You've hardly touched your plate, dear. Are you feeling alright?" My mother asks, coming towards me.
"I'm fine, I'm actually going out tonight." I say, a smile flicking onto my face instantly, as I think about John.
"Oh..." Mom says with a wink, making me squirm "Have fun with Eliza sweetie."
"Oh, yeah, right...Eliza." I say, glancing at my watch to check the time.
"Where are you two going off to?" My dad asks with a smirk, all attention focused on me now.
"To Olive Garden." I reply, getting up.
My mom practically spits out her wine and my dad chokes on his steak, sending him into a coughing fit.
Pure disgust fills both their features.
"Are you sure, I can pay for a movie ticket or a carriage ride around the park?" My mom rushes out, practically blocking me from leaving the dining room.
"I'm good." I say, rushing out of the house, away from my annoying parents and to the garage.
As I step inside the parking garage we own, I glance at all the unnecessary cars we own and how one day, when my parents die I'm going to see all these cars and donate the profit to charity.
The only car I'm allowed to drive without parents supervision is the Lamborghini, my parents least favorite car.
At this exact moment I wish more than anything we had a Minivan or something more casual to drive to Olive Garden for a date-ish with a boy who is going to help me plan my break up with my forced girlfriend whom I barely can even tolerate anymore. Sounds easy right?
As I head to Olive Garden, I see my dashing date (sort of) sitting in a booth, eating bread sticks.
My heart practically skips a beat as I approach him, contemplating telling him my feelings for him.
As I sit in the booth my legs turn to jelly and I can barely make out the words to greet him.
The realization of the fact that I won't be able to confess my feelings dawns on me, making my heart sink a little.
"So how are we going to do this?" I ask, taking a large bite out of a bread stick.
"I think I have a plan."
All I can focus on is his lips as he dives into our plan of action.
This may be harder than I thought. 

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