Slaying your Demons

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Hola. Thank you so much for reading!
Alex's POV
As Eliza and I exit the party my nerves begin to slip away. But before I can finally leave this place and pretend like I'm going home to my apartment but really am going to McDonalds... Eliza's father stops us.
"As a first week of training gift my wife and I, well all of us..." He gestures to the whole family uncomfortably "Got you guys a room in a Best Western hotel down the street."
I choke on my own spit, my face flushing.
As always Eliza calmly takes the lead "Oh Daddy we would love that but umm... Alex and I have our first day of training tomorrow and we don't want to be tired tomorrow. Right dear?"
She elbows me in the arm and I flinch "Oh umm yeah."
"Oh thank god." Mr. Schuyler mumbles.
Mrs. Schuyler harshly steps on his foot "Of course you should have all of our permission."
"Not mine." Mr. Schuyler says under his breath.
Mrs. Schuyler pulls down on his ear and whispers something.
"How did you even hear me?" He yelps in pain.
"You kids run along." She says shooing us off and handing Eliza the room key.
Eliza and I trudge off to my red Lamborghini in awkward silence.
"Do you want to just split off, I can pick you up for training at 6:00 a.m?" I ask her unlocking the car door and getting in.
"No, it'll be better if we go to the room...together." She says, climbing into the passenger seat.
I raise my eyebrows but turn on the engine obediently. "Your the boss."
As we pull into the practically vacant parking lot, besides a beat up mini van and three different color Hondas, I begin to think of excuses on how to get out of this.
"Come on Alex, I can take the floor." She persuades.
"Fine." I walk in wallowing behind her.
As we approach the check in desk I spy an all too familiar face.
"John?" I question, seeing the mystery man once again.
"Alex, hey long time...been like 20 minutes. Good thing my shift just started or I would've missed you."
"Good thing." Eliza mutters bitterly.
"I'm Eliza, his girlfriend." She outstretches her hand and he takes it.
"We aren't very serious." I add in.
"Hahaha." Eliza fake laughs as she slaps my chest, a little to hard. "Such a silly one, isn't he?"
"Umm sure." John says awkwardly "But...not to get in the middle of your business but I think you guys need to have a talk or something."
Eliza looks at him intensely for a moment.
"Just a suggestion." He adds.
"Thank you, but I can handle my own relationships thanks." She sighs loudly.
"If you don't mind, we'll be on our way." I say, pushing Eliza up the stairs before they get into a full on fight.
"That bastard thought he could steal you away from me." She says with a shake of her head.
"Wow, Eliza language." I start "Plus we're not really dating."
"Right..." She says.
"What..." She cuts me off.
"I'm going to sleep, see you in the morning Alexander." She rarely calls me Alexander, great she's mad.
"Night." I say, wanting more than anything to got to McDonalds.
So..I do. As soon as I hear her light snoring wafting through the room, I perk up literally jumping out of the chair I was sitting in, then quickly tiptoeing downstairs to get out of this joint.
But, right before I can reach the door, I knock over the fancy glass water container perched on a table.
"Shoot!" I say, scrambling to pick up the broken shards.
"So much if a spy you are." John chuckles from behind me, bending down to pick it up.
"Trying to escape from that girl of yours?"
"Yes." I reply quickly "She can be a real..."
"I know what you mean." John cuts in rolling his eyes. "I had a boyfriend back home who was very clingy."
"Yeah." I nodded my heart racing as he inches closer to me.
"But life goes on." He says, standing up, filling me with a strange and complicated feeling of disappointment.
"Don't worry. I won't tell a soul I saw you." He says with his pinky extended in the air. "Pinky promise?"
I wrap my pink around his with a laugh.
"Hey," I saw with courage flowing inside of me. "Wanna go to McDonalds?"

A Hamilton Spy AUWhere stories live. Discover now