Chapter 14

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The new year brought a whirlwind of activity. Jan moved in with Micky and Gabby unexpectedly on New Year's Day. She called while they were watching the Rose Parade, asking for asylum from Davy's ranting and raving. Apparently, he was still drunk from the night before and was toggling between tearfully begging her not to leave him and bragging about all the women who would be lined up to take her place once she left. So she called Lynda and Robert and asked them to come over and help her gather as many of her belongings as she could carry and they caravanned over to the Levitt-Dolenz house, her destination unbeknownst to Davy. In an eerily similar scenario to the one Gabby wrought on Micky by fleeing to Davy's home, Jan fled to Gabby's home and refused to tell Davy where she was going. Not because she was afraid of him but because she felt it was poetic justice and it gave her a pleasing sense of twisted symmetry. She knew she'd eventually tell him where she was staying, or he'd find out through someone else in the family, and she looked forward to twisting the knife when he found out. In any case, she reflected, it wouldn't be for too long. Davy had encouraged Jan to quit her job when they got married because he didn't want people to think he couldn't afford to support her, but fortunately she hadn't listened to him. So she was still working at Wallichs Music City and had a source of income to support herself and could well afford to find a new place to live.

When Wendy came to Gabby's house for her scheduled visit the following Saturday, Jan joined in on the Seventeen magazine and junk food fest and Wendy asked her whether she'd be interested in making a career move.

"Jan, would you be interested in coming on board at Pacific Arts? I'm starting to get really overwhelmed and I could use an assistant. And I'm definitely going to need one once the baby arrives. I'd rather have someone in place before the baby is born than try to train them after the fact."

Jan's posture straightened up as if someone had rammed a poker up her spine. "You mean it? You're not just throwing me a bone, Wendy? I mean, you know I've been looking for a way into the music business for a long time, but I want to do this on merit, legit, you know?"

Wendy nodded and her posture was the opposite of Jan's, slumping down in her chair with relief. "Yeah, I'm serious. I could really use someone I can trust and who has her head screwed on the right way. You've obviously got the chops. You know the biz and you're got common sense. And you're great to be around, which is a plus when you have to work long hours. It would be such a relief if I knew I could have you to count on. Will you do it?"

"For sure! When do I start?" Jan hugged Wendy and Wendy basked in her embrace. Wendy knew she was hormonal, but she also knew that without a doubt it was a fact that it felt good to be back in the good graces of her friends and to have them back in her life. She started to cry and laugh simultaneously. Gabby joined the hug and made it a three-way embrace.

"Girls, this calls for a special toast! How about hot chocolate?"

Wendy cried "Are you crazy, girl? It's broiling in here! Of course, bring it on! Do you have any candy canes left over from Christmas that we can dip in it?"

They brewed up their drinks, melted candy canes in them and Jan and Gabby added a bit of peppermint Schnapps to theirs. Gabby stood and declared "To the real bosses of Pacific Arts!" The other girls gassed with laughter and clinked their mugs.

Just then, Micky came strolling through the room and asked what the hubbub was all about. Jan said "Hey, Micky, this is just great! I'm going to be Wendy's Girl Friday at Pacific Arts! I'm finally getting my career off the ground. New year, new career, new chapter of my life!"

Micky nodded and stroked his chin. "Well, you sure aren't letting the grass grow under your feet, Jan. Congratulations!"

Wendy asked shyly, "Do you mind if I ask you, Jan, are you really going to divorce Davy, or are you just taking a time out?"

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