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Peter walked back slowly to the house, holding the letter tight in his fist, making sure not to let go. It was the only thing he had left of Tony, he knew he'd treasure it. He opened the door and everyone was still chatting and drinking, the same as when he'd left before. All of a sudden Morgan came ran toward Peter.
"Petey! Petey!"
He looked down and saw the tiny human stood before him.
"Hey, Morg! What's up?"
"I wanna show you my toys!"
Peter put on a fake, yet real smile, well as real as a smile could get in this situation. Morgan grabbed his hand and hurled him across the room with her. Peter followed along and nearly fell over everyone
"Woah!... oh, sorry!...M-... sorry..." he laughed. "Morgan slow down!"
She ran up the stairs, letting go of Peter's hand and into her bedroom. Peter went into her bedroom, where he saw fairy lights strung up and on, illuminating the room, a chair covered in stuffed animals and a tee-pee in the corner of the room. He looked around and couldn't see Morgan.
"Morg?" He called out.
"In here!" She replied from inside the tee-pee.
He walked over to it, whilst looking around at the room.
"Well, I gotta say this is a pretty cool r-." He looked inside the tee-pee.
Magazines, and newspaper clippings, pictures, dolls, stickers everything that could be made of...Tony. it was all Tony. Everywhere. He began to choke on his watering eyes, but he hid it well.
"W-Wow, this is... really cool."
"You don't...l-like it?"
He began to crawl inside the tee-pee and he sat right next to her, as she rested her head down in his lap.
"I love it."
Suddenly Morgan gasped and ran out of the tee-pee quicker than light itself, she came back with a helmet.
"This is one of daddy's toys, it's my favourite!"
He looked at the Iron helmet that she was showing him.
"Mine too."
They spoke for what seemed like hours and by that time Morgan had fell asleep in his lap. He was left alone with the helmet un his hands, crying quietly. Pepper walked by and her the silent sniffling, she walked in and went to the tee-pee.
Peter looked up and saw Pepper crouched infront of him.
"... yeah?" He sniffed.
Pepper took the small child off his lap and placed her in bed, then dragged the crying teenager out of the tiny tee-pee. He obliged and fell straight back into her arms.
"Why?... why him? ... i- I miss him so... so much."
"Me too, Pete. Me too."

Endgame : Aftermath Where stories live. Discover now