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i forgot abt this but this story has some reads so i will update it i guess :) i appreciate all the support feel free to comment any ideas/suggestions

the party was currently in mikes basement, watching some movie that mike had forced them to watch for the 80th time. tonight was the perfect movie night. they'd made popcorn, and mike's parents werent home, so they had the house to themselves.

max was lazily sprawled across jane's lap, the two of them sitting on the couch while the rest of them were sitting on the floor, covered in blankets.

max wasn't paying much attention to the movie. she didnt have a good view, anyways. she was paying attention to jane, though. looking up at her, and studying every feature of her beautiful & delicate face.

jane looks down at her, noticing her eyes on her, and max's face reddens. "this movie is boring," she says, quiet so that none of the other party can hear her.

"yeah," max mumbles in response. "wanna.. go upstairs and.. get a drink?" she asks in a mischievous voice. "yes," jane smiles that soft smile of hers, max admiring her. "we're getting a drink," the two go up the stairs, holding hands.

they get to the kitchen and dont bother letting go of eachothers hands. "mike chooses the worst movies," max starts. jane laughs. "some of them are good," she stands somewhat in front of max, holding her other hand too, now. "i mean.." max's voice trails off as she stares into janes eyes. jane softly connects their lips.

"ive been wanting to do that all night," max smiles, letting go of one of janes hands to cup janes cheek. "me, too," jane agrees quietly, subconsciously leaning her head into max's touch.

"we should probably go back downstairs," jane says, smiling. "do we have toooo," max groans as shes no longer holding jane.

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