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Lucy's pov

After Rufus came back into his room with a plate fool of food he puts the plate on my lap 

"Here you need to eat" Rufus says but I didn't notice his blush because I look at the food I take a egg and take a small bit only to put it down

"Lucy you need to eat all of it and God help me if you don't eat then I'll make you eat all of it" Rufus says as he sits next to me on my right side

"No I'm to fat" I mumble as I look away

"That's it I'm force feeding you" Rufus says as he picks up the rest of the egg and puts it in my mouth

Time skip after Rufus force feeding Lucy

"There now you can drink your milk now" Rufus says pating my head

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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