The Very Begining

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Luna woke up from the anesthesia. Her vision was blurry as she tried to look around. Leo was asleep slumped against the foot of her bed. She felt her heart swell happily as she laid eyes on him. "Leo...," her voice came out course and she watched him shift upright. "You're awake!" He grinned. She nodded, "yep. And feeling better." The blue clad turtle practically bounced on his feet but kept his calm so he wouldn't accidentally hurt her as he reached down and hugged her as tightly as safely possible. 

"Donnie!" He called into the lab. The purple clad turtle rushed in and a grin spread across his face as his sister. "I'm gonna get the others!" Leo exclaimed happily as he left the room. Donnie sat down where leo was and looked at his clipboard, "how do you feel." "Tired," luna chuckled. He chuckled in reply. The others came through the doors to see luna. "Yeah!" Mikey phoned his fist in the air. "My sisters awake! Booyakasha!" Luna smiled tiredly. Donnie grinned, "I have some questions for you though. He began to mess with her left leg carefully, "can you feel that." Leia hisses at the pain but then felt her hopes rise. She felt her leg. Donnie grinned and tested the other one. She didnt hiss at the pain this time but instead beamed. "I can feel my legs!" Raph and mikey grinned and hugged happily. Leo practically danced in the air while donnie grinned. Splinter stood in the doorway looking relieved. They all paused, "do you want to wait or do you want to try to stand?" 

She looked at donnie like he had grown another pair of eyes. "I wanna stand again." He nodded, "just be careful." She laughed, "I will." Leo and donnie stepped to her side as and helped her up. Luna held her breath as she placed her feet to the ground and felt the cold concrete touch the pads of her feet. She felt tears stream down her face as she stood with the help of her love and her brother. Everyone stepped up to them and pulled into a hug while they all cried in joy. Luna felt her legs begin to shake and asked to be helped back into the bed. Once settled, she noticed something. "Wheres silverwolf?" Everyone went silent. "Shes..," mikey began sadly, "shes not here..."

Silverwolf stared at the ground, fighting to stay awake. She was exhausted as she was dragged to wherever. She grit her teeth as she was thrown across the floor roughly. She went to sit up but something kicked her down and she gasped as she recieved a few blows to her gut. The jackal curled up as she took the blows to her body. This was for her sister. That made it worth it. "Enough," she heard shredders voice resonate through the room. She squeezed her eyes closed as shivers ran down her spine. "Get her ready for the experiment," his voice was cruel. She was picked up again and hoisted into the air. She groaned in pain as she was slammed on a cold metal table. She fought the anxiety and fear inching up her throat as she looked around at the shadows in the room. 

"Bring me the vial," shredder stepped up to the table. She just stared at him tiredly. "Just like always, you're true to your word, jackal," he spoke. "In exchange for the chip, you turned yourself in. And you have yet to put up a fight." She just stared at him as he was handed a vial of sorts. He scoffed at her silence. "Weak. You are going to hunt down the turtles and your so-called sister. You will tear their lives from this earth and be powerless to stop it." Silverwolf felt her tears rise as she blinked them away, "with all due respect..." She met his gaze, "you're mistaken." 

He elbowed her roughly in the gut. She cried out in pain before gritting her teeth against it. "Go fuck yourself," she growled before receiving another hit. Shredder opened the vial and the room turned dark. 

All she heard was the shredders voice and a gravelly version of her own. "You may have this body if you do a task for me."Shredder gravely spoke as her own voice responded, nearly echoing, 

"what is the price, mortal?" 

"I need you to hunt down some individuals."

 "Youve given me my freedom and asked me to do what i do best. Kill. Just name your targets and i shall find them, mortal. Keep in mind this will cost something more when i am done."

Silverwolf looked up as a creature approached it was made of a shadow, with red glowing eyes. 

"you are the perfect, specimen to fulfill my plan." with that everything went dark in silvs eyes. 

shredder looked over silverwolf's almost lifeless body. "Silverwolf anwser me." 

Her body rose from the ground standing tall, she opened her blood red eyes slowly and laughed amused "Call me Kill Joy; Master."

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