The Plan

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The LAAT made a soft thump as it landed on the metal floor of the Negotiator's hangar. As soon as the doors pulled apart, all of the soldiers began filing out into Obi-Wan Kenobi's flagship.

There were a number of clones meandering about in the massive hangar. They were by star fighters, bombers, astromechs, pilots, all preparing for their next battle. Sounds of clanking and whirring bounced off the high ceiling.

The smell of smoke and fuel hung thickly in the air. Each inhale was thick and stale from the fighters' exhaust systems.

As the last few clones stepped off of the gunship, Kenobi found himself besides the Gray Jedi. She was troubled.

"I don't think Biron's associate would knowingly feed us bad info. I know the contact very well." she said as they began to walk. He could hear the uncertainty in her voice. She paused for a moment before adding, "But these days, you never know." Her words struck close to home.

"That is the unfortunate truth we face during wartime." Kenobi replied, understanding her doubt.

"We have dealt with it ourselves enough. Corrupt senators, traitors, both Jedi and clone. Conflict has a way of bringing out a person's true colors." The Gray pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I don't think there is any hope for Biron after this. He's likely fallen for good." Cordelia muttered, her demeanor solemn. She dropped her hand.

Kenobi stopped in the middle of the hangar. The Gray copied, forcing the troopers to part around them like two rocks in a rushing river. The general gave her a sympathetic look, knowing that same sting of betrayal far too well. Dooku. Slick. Pong Krell. Barriss Offee.

"There is always hope Cordelia. Anyone can turn back to the light." he said, putting a hand on her thin shoulder. Cordelia focused distractedly on two clones carrying a container of ammunition.  She wouldn't look him in the eye.

"Only those who want to Obi-Wan." She crossed her arms over her chest protectively. "Biron fell once before. It took me a long time to talk him back to the center, but this time... Well you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved." Her hand tightened on her elbow.

"There's nothing you can do?" he asked gently. Cordelia sighed. She finally turned back to him. Her eyes were startling. They were as gray as stone, no hints of the green from before.

"No. There is only one person who could talk him out of it, and that is the same person who pushed him to leave in the first place." She did not elaborate more. Kenobi's curiosity was piqued of course, but he let it drop as they started heading to the bridge again.

The two walked in an awkward silence until they reached the command center. There they found Cody, already barking orders at his troopers. He straightened in attention as his commanding officer stepped onto the deck.

"We are waiting on your orders sir." the commander said, relaxing once a hand was lifted from Kenobi.

"Set a course for Naboo. As for me, I must speak with Jabba." he directed. Cody turned to his men. "You heard the general. Head for Naboo."

Everyone began moving all at once. Clones went back to monitoring screens. The hologram hovering in the center of the bridge changed. It now depicted their course through the galaxy to the home world of Chancellor Palpatine.

A clone on their right began tapping expertly on a communication panel, before signaling to the general. A light blinked for a long second before Jabba in all his slimy, Hutt glory flickered to life in front of the two Force-users.

"Greetings esteemed Jabba." Kenobi greeted with a small bow. Cordelia did as well. Jabba replied back in Huttese, his voice deep and booming. The translator droid waited patiently til the Hutt finished speaking before relaying his dialogue.

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