Book Three: Shifting Sands

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Shadows of the Ancient Sith:

XXVII: The Hermit in Anchorhead
XXXVIII:  The Blue Death
XXXXI: The Reunion
XXXX: Nightmares and Daydreams
XXXXI: Lucid Dreaming
XXXXII: Call of the Dead
XXXXIII: Valley of the Dark Lords
XXXXIV: The Final Resting Place of Naga Sadow

XXXXV: Excavation
XXXXVI: Burning with Mahlyce

Raiders of the Sand:

XXXXXIX: Pillage
L: Plunder
LI: Maraud
LII: Ransack
LIII: Commandeer
LIV: Plot
LV: Negotiations
LVI: Thief
LVII: Drills
LVIII: Barter
LVIV: Liberate

A Note for my Readers

Broken Spirits

LVV: Part One
LVVI: Part Two
LVVII: Part Three

LVVIII: Epilogue I
LVVIV: Epilogue II

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