Hunt on Kashyyyk: The Shadowlands

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Once they were certain that the Katarn was not coming back, they kept moving forward deeper into the forest.

The flora here was as dangerous as the fauna. If you didn't get tripped up by the thick roots or the ankle-breaking holes, the thorns and sticker bushes would certainly get you. Plus they were all cast in shadow, making it even harder to distinguish.

Everyone jumped as Rworarcc grabbed Dume's arm and yanked him back. In his panic, he overestimated the boy's weight and pulled Dume off the ground. He flung him high up in the air. He yelled as Yoda caught him with the Force, dropping him gently onto the ground.

"What was that for?" Caleb snapped, shoving himself to his feet indignantly. He stomped over to the Wookiee, anger in his face. The little bit of intimidation the boy had was instantly gone when compared to the tall warrior.

"I just saved your life, you ungrateful ferorc." Rworarcc growled. He bent over and picked up a rock. He threw it into a nearby bush, the one Dume was about to step in. It shuddered and rustled.

Thorny vines shot up into the air swung violently. The leaves spread apart, revealing a mouth-ish hole with a sharp, toothy sides. It was about four feet in diameter. The teeth chomped and bit, as the vines stretched out from the center and checked the vicinity for prey. They retracted after a moment once the creature had settled down.

"What is that?" Marsh asked, horrified. "It is a shorracc. They are dangerous creatures that devour anything ignorant enough to step near them." Chewbacca explained. 

"Is it related to a sarlacc?" Shan asked him, pushing Gungi and Ura farther away from creature. "They look very similar."

"Yes. Shoraccs, sarlaccs, vixus, rathtars, among others, are all related." he explained. "All deadly."  For once, Dume was quiet.

"How do you know what a sarlacc looks like?" Nahzalem asked, her curiosity getting the best of her. Shan gave her a surprised look, before looking down. 

"Oh, umm, I had a run in with one once, on Izylapath. It's similar to Tatooine. They like sandy planets." Shan answered, sounding uncomfortable. "I don't want to talk about it." Yoda chuckled to himself. It wasn't like the consult to get overly sheepish. Something embarrassing must of happened.

The convoy started up again, everyone being extra careful about where they chose to step. About an hour later, the sound of rushing water hit their ears.

It was a river. It was a strong one, but not overly violent. According to the map Rworarcc was carrying, it was called the Jeroahk River.

The water was dark and murky, the strong current spraying mist onto the bank. Small aquatic creatures dashed out of the light of the sabers and headlamps.

Chewbacca roared to Master Yoda, who had walked since the Katarn attack. He nodded and hopped up onto the Wookiee's shoulder as they moved to cross it. Rworarcc offered to take Gungi over, who happily obliged. He and three of the clones followed Chewbacca and Yoda, stepping into the chilly hip high current.

Yoda looked back at Nahzalem. She looked apprehensive, but didn't say anything as she marched bravely onto the bank of the Jeroahk. Marsh noticed this as well.

"Want to cross with me?" he asked the girl. She looked down at her feet.  "Ok. I don't want you to be scared." she replied timidly.

"Do you want me to carry you, or do you want to walk?" "I can walk." she said, her voice hard to hear under the rushing river. The sergeant offered her his hand. Nahzalem took it and waded with him into the water. It came up to her chest.

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