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It's not really beautiful ... Vacation for two months, but not much impression during this first week. Even though in reality there is no certainty I will pass or not, but this long time is just wasted, and used by crazy things all this time ...

"I want vacation once in a while," I thought.

Finally, my classmates fell in love for a vacation to the beach.

Which beach is this? If possible, that is in accordance with all of us Destiny, which can trigger our andrenalin. "The password sounds with the cool style. at that time the class was discussing for vacation plans.

"What about Pangandaran only?" Fajar suggested, his shrill Bass sound coming from behind.

Everyone in the class looked back, staring at Fajar. Dawn grinned ...

"You know Jar, Pangandaran has just been hit by the Tsunami lately and is considered dangerous. How can we go there, "Mpur ambushed Fajar's proposal.

"Yes, that's good! It means that in accordance with our destiny, a tsunami can trigger andrenalin, right? "Dawn stood up when he said that, everyone sneered. Some of them applauded the opinion of dawn, very silly.

Meanwhile, I myself just quietly bit my pencil. Aji who was sitting next to me was even engrossed in reading novels, during all the war opinions for this holiday. Even some are busy playing Angry Bird ... Hmmm, very effective!

Now the class is very noisy. So noisy, the beach proposal was thrown at each other. There are those who propose to Cirebon, Ancol, Kutai Bali, and many until they are not accommodated. There is no definite agreement, as time passes. I can't stand this, it's not like a discussion, but a debate competition. Crazy, all crazy!

The class is getting chaotic with the voices. Some people intentionally make it even more noisy. The leader of the Mpur meeting also cannot calm this. Until suddenly there was the sound of a buzzing table next to me, so loud. Everyone is now silent and confused.

"Why does it have to be a beach? So everyone in this class is able to go. Think about it too, it takes hundreds of thousands for that. Why not look for a cheap but memorable place, like camping to the mountain. Walking can also, do not need a fee. The most important thing is togetherness ... "Aji immediately sat down and returned to reading the novel, after saying that.

Waoww ... Everyone was still dumbfounded, then clapping in admiration. I was surprised myself. How can he say that? Moreover, we all know that Aji is quiet in class. But it's good, so everyone agreed to Camping to the mountain. Except for the girls ... we leave 35 people, and our destiny is the closest mountain, Tampomas Mountain We Are Coming ...

Everything gathered at the Home stay, he happened to be the closest to the location. Some people are preparing everything, others actually have narcissistic photos. You know?

Unfortunately 15 of us resigned, unable to join. So now only 20 people are ready to leave. Even though Mount Tampomas is a mountain that is near and declared tame, some people are still scared. Especially if you hear the scary stories of people at the foot of the mountain. I was busy listening to Fajar's chatter about the scary events he had experienced. Some people began to get scared too, some others actually felt challenged.

"Do you see it yourself jar?" Asked Password.

"Of course! His head was like a lion, and his hands were hairy. Luckily I saw it from afar. If you see it directly, it's eaten by me. "

"Waaaa," the password jumped in surprise, hearing the last story from Fajar.

"Ah that's just superstition. After all, we will leave 20 people. Be safe. What is not safe is that if we are odd in number, then one person can be lost. Or add 1 more, "Mpur told the story of dawn.

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