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Blaring sirens. Heavy footsteps. Frantic yelling.

The police were coming. At the moment, Wonwoo could care less. For once, he had the grand superhero of the city pinned under his knee. For once, he felt like the victorious one. For once, he had the chance to just get rid of this nuisance, this obstacle. But, he didn't take the chance. This wasn't his goal. This mere superhero had nothing to do with his plan. So, it wasn't worth dirtying his hands for.

His plan? Wonwoo just wanted revenge.

He wanted to end this vendetta with someone who had wronged him. This "someone" was the true villain. The people can view Wonwoo however they liked. They can view him as some criminal, some madman, some bad guy. However, in Wonwoo's story, someone else is a villain. He was doing what the law couldn't do ages ago. He was going to do whatever it takes to get to that psychopath and end him.

And this damned superhero is in his way.

He wanted this hero to hear every single word that will come out of his mouth. Loud and clear.

Wonwoo had pulled Mingyu by the collar, bringing him closer. Mingyu tried gazing into Wonwoo's sharp eyes, trying to gain another perspective, to try and see his true intentions. Mingyu saw nothing but pure hatred in those eyes.

There was also a flicker of fear.

"Stay out of my way."

Wonwoo hissed each word through gritted teeth and just like Wonwoo wanted, Mingyu heard every word. Through blurred vision, muffled hearing, a throbbing headache, and blood trickling down the corner of his lips, he heard those words. Loud and clear. To stay out of his way. Sadly, Mingyu had no intention of obliging to those words. Wonwoo was breaking the law. Wonwoo brought fear into the city that Mingyu is suppose to protect. Mingyu cannot let it continue. He needs to stop Wonwoo. It was his job as a superhero. As the "good guy" of the story.

Mingyu's back roughly hit the pavement as Wonwoo lets the collar slip out of his hand. Helplessly, Mingyu laid on the ground and watched his target slip right through a hidden exit. He couldn't do anything about it.

He couldn't stop Wonwoo. He failed. Again.


Mingyu later arrived at his dormitory. His roommate and best friend, Minghao, had been waiting for him anxiously the entire time. The second he had heard the door click open, he rushed out to see Mingyu covered in cuts and bruises. Minghao had every reason to be worried.

"Hao.." Mingyu's voice was quiet. Rasp. It sounded like he wanted to cry.

The taller trudged over to his roommate and let his face be buried into the crevice between Minghao's neck and shoulder. He did want to cry. The feeling of failure. He hated it. The thought of disappointing the entire city again, the thought of failing to protect the city again. .it just hit him all at once.

Minghao's delicate hands stroked Mingyu's back. He felt suffocated by the smell of blood and sweat but the sound of Mingyu's sobbing made him forget all of that. Superheros are usually portrayed as people that don't cry. However, they are people that are driven by their emotions. Mingyu wanted to avoid the feeling of disappointment. That's what drove him. Minghao noticed that. He was the only other person that knew that.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Minghao whispered.

Mingyu eventually calmed down, feeling better that he let out some tears. So, Minghao had gone off to go find their first aid kit and a pair of new clothes. Even if Mingyu had changed back to his casual clothes, he ended up bleeding through them. Which made Minghao a little nervous. What will he see when he lifted that shirt to tend Mingyu's wounds? Will it be worse than he imagined?

Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as he had thought. However, it wasn't something Minghao wanted to treat lightly. There was just scar after scar on Mingyu's tan skin. Blood. Lots of it.

"Gyu, your condition is getting worse," Minghao muttered.

Mingyu yelped, feeling a burning sensation the second the cotton ball made contact with his injury. Minghao tried getting the wound cleaned up as quick as possible but he wasn't a medical student. He was a photography student. In fact, they both were. But, Mingyu had entrusted this little secret to him. Mingyu's double life. The true identity of the superhero of this city was his dearest best friend. Studying medicine a little was the best he could do to help.

"I was so close to catching him today, Hao."

Minghao clicked his tongue. Was it worth it though? Mingyu tore up his entire sun-kissed back. Now, it was just full of scars that he wasn't sure if it'll disappear or not once fully healed. Minghao was worried. He was proud Mingyu for taking up such a courageous role but being reckless like this could lead to worse things than just scars.

"I want you to be careful next time," Minghao advised as he bandaged the other up, "You're not Spider-Man, alright?"

Mingyu turned around to face his best friend. He was smiling again. That puppy-like smile of his.

"Spider-Man has super strength but that didn't mean he couldn't feel pain, y'know? He and I aren't much different if you think about it."

Minghao chuckled. Mingyu still understood what he meant, right?

"Just promise me, Mingyu."

The taller scooted a little more onto the bed and threw his arms around Minghao, just to reassure him to the best of his ability.

"I promise I'll be more careful next time. So, don't worry too much."

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