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The sound of the alarm was shut off immediately after being heard. Mingyu didn't want to wake up. He regretted scheduling for morning lectures but it was most convenient to him. He needed the afternoon for. .superhero stuff. Minghao emerged from the bathroom to shake Mingyu awake. That was the third alarm Mingyu had shut off already, it was starting to bother him.

"Are you going to wake up or not?" Minghao asked. He just got a grumble as a response.

"I think you're too injured to go to class anyway," Minghao muttered. He took one last look at Mingyu and pushed himself off the edge of the bed to go find a change of clothes.

Mingyu caught a few more minutes of shut-eye before forcing himself to get up. Minghao was right. Everything stung. Everything felt sore. His back was torn up and bandaged. Why should he go to class? But, he didn't want to miss it. Photography was his passion and he wouldn't miss it for the world. Even if it was just some damn lecture for today.

When Minghao turned around to see the bed empty, he didn't try to stop Mingyu from attending class. Maybe it was better if he did attend. As long as Mingyu wasn't laying here all morning and letting his thoughts eat away at him. Did Mingyu still have that lingering guilt? Minghao didn't want to think about it.

Mingyu had told him not to worry too much. That's what he was trying his best to do. He should worry about diverting his own thoughts too.


When Minghao said he wanted Mingyu to clear his thoughts, he did not think of a morning sprint. Mingyu's long legs were probably thinking that he was jogging but his strides were so long that Minghao was struggling to keep up. How could he be so energetic first thing in the morning? No one could even tell Mingyu had injuries.

Minghao couldn't even muster up a voice to tell Mingyu to slow down, heavy breathing was the only thing coming out of his mouth. They weren't even late to class! They lived in the dormitories, it wasn't even far from the main campus. So, why was Mingyu running?

Earlier this week, Mingyu had heard about an art exhibition being put up in the main foyer. Art from different departments were being put up to be displayed and he wanted to know if his or Minghao's photo got chosen. There was art from the graphic designers, the illustrators, the filmmakers, and a lot of other different departments that Mingyu will find time to ogle at later.

Minghao didn't even bother to move at Mingyu's pace anymore. He was as equally curious as Mingyu and he would appreciate the exposure for either of them. But, running first thing in the morning across campus for a photo in a glass case that he could see at any other time of the day? Not worth it.

In situations like this, their personalities clash; Mingyu is energetic and Minghao is level headed. But, they were still the best of friends. Platonic soulmates people may even call them.

Minghao took a breather at the doorway of the main building. The foyer was empty. Of course, who would've thought to come here so early anyway? Well, there's Mingyu...

Mingyu's eyes were already bouncing off walls of art. He looked left, right, up, down. Many creations, many masterpieces. It was breathtaking. But, Mingyu had a priority.

He wandered deeper down the hallway, scanning every label of each artwork. The label had the artist's name, their grade level, and their major. The deeper Mingyu went the more he began to wonder if he passed by his own artwork. If his photo was actually displayed, then wouldn't he recognize his own artwork?

Excitement must've overtaken his rationality. But, before he could even switch "strategies," he found a label that said 'photography.' It wasn't his name. It was a senior's photo too.

'Jeon Wonwoo.' That's what the label read.

Mingyu wasn't particularly disappointed. He still had opportunities. This could've been the senior's last few chances for exposure anyway. His eyes peeled off the label so he could examine the photo and detect the reason why this one was chosen.

It felt like the air was knocked out of his lungs. There was something about this photo that he couldn't exactly put his finger on. It just left him breathless. Speechless. The photo had a certain type of emotion that seemed so sad. It was sentimental.  To keep it simple, the photo was beautiful. Mingyu could understand every reason why this one was chosen.

Minghao attempted to get his best friend's attention but his eyes were glued to the photo in front of them. He took a look for himself and he had to agree, the photo was breathtakingly beautiful. Mingyu was really taking it to heart.

"I wonder who Jeon Wonwoo is.." Mingyu muttered.

"You don't have to wonder."

It took Mingyu a few seconds for him to process the fact that who just spoke wasn't Minghao. It was a deep and velvety voice. Someone different. He turned to face someone slightly shorter than him, dark haired, sharp eyed.

A playful smirk danced on the other's lips. Devilishly handsome. Something about him was familiar too.

A beautiful man like this took such a beautiful photo like that.

Mingyu began to process this man's words. Putting the pieces together. .

"Are you?.." Mingyu couldn't exactly string the words together but he gestured to the photo then back to dark haired man.

"Oh! Wonwoo - sunbae, good morning." Minghao politely greeted, trotting up beside Mingyu.

"You know him?!" Mingyu asked, a little shocked.

Mingyu was baffled. He needed to muster up a greeting or could've been considered rude. He just bowed and stayed like that for a bit. He felt flustered. Embarrassed too.

That was not the first impression he wanted to make.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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