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I'm from New York... yeah I know. We eat nacho seed, bacon egg and cheese on a roll from the deli and wash down the sandwich and the seeds with and Arizona Ice Tea. We wear timbs 24/7, lots of jewelry and over expensive fits, yah heard. But I don't really fit in with New Yorkers... I got the slang down pack but overall I don't do what New Yorkers do....
I think that's the main reason as to why I liked him at the time. We were both outsiders of the outsiders in the world . At the time I though that he would be an awesome friend... yah know... but then... my dumb ass liked him. He was in both my Physics and Computer Science courses in college. He was quite but out going like I. Loves Anime, Gamer basically all the shit I liked in one package. Overall I though that this crush that I had would crumble like it always did. Because usually I don't get the guys... and if I do get the guys they're usually stalkers and old creeps. I thought that he would eventually stop talking to me and reach out to someone else because that's how it usually goes.. but he came back.. he kept coming back.. it came to the point where we contanly text each other and pass notes to each other in class like little 7th graders. We hung out 25/8... At this point he was like my bestie but he was also my hubby. I had doubts... that it'll die down after a couple of months... things don't last with me and the plans that I have for myself wouldn't go through because I would be distracted.

"Hey my birthday is coming up.. I was planing on going to the Arcade... would you like to come with me?", he said while lightly blushing and barely making eye contact with me.
"Then it's a date. I'll get you a present bud.", I said waiting for him to reassure me that it wasn't a date.

He didn't say anything. All he did was smile.
"Wanna go to the cafe? I got so cash... it'll be apart of your birthday gift.", I said I winked while reaching for my wallet.
"No no.. I got a coffee machine in my dorm. I got some sugar, different creamers... I got you. Maybe we can play Tekken or something too", he said while impulsively grab then holds my hand softly pulling me into his direction. After 10 minutes we reached his dorm. Luckily he didn't have any room mates. I sat on his queen size bed as he made us both a bootleg coffees.
"How many sugars madam! I'm guessing you'll like 12 sugars because of how sweet you are! And creamer! I got Vanilla, Caramel, Hazelnut, cinnamon buns and I got that nasty ass Pumpkin Spice, Madam." He said with an British accent.

"I would like no sugars but lots of Hazelnut creamer in my coffee, sir." I said with a Brit accent as well.

He gave me my coffee with what I requested in it. While he was making his coffee I started up the PS4 and put the Tekken CD in. I was searching for both his controllers. One was on the table with the TV. I was searching through his unmade bed. Many wrappers, wires and two dirty underwear's later I found his blue controller and charged it. A minute later he came over with his coffee. He tripped over the wires that I flung off the bed. His coffee spilled all over my shirt. For some reason I had an delayed reaction. I felt my skin burning a couple of seconds after. I quickly removed my shirt and flung my shirt across the room. I was there sitting on the bed... totally forgetting he was there while I inspect myself. I then look up and see him flushing red. Then I was confused..because I was so focused on the burns on my chest. He then went to his mini fridge and took out a pack of peas and walk towards me. He hesitated when trying to sit next to me on the bed, half naked. He slow placed the peas slightly below my collar bone, trying not to look at my busty chest and into my brown eyes.

"You don't have to hold it there, dear.", as I grab a hold of the frozen peas.

"I-I did this... let me help", he says while still holding on and blushing.
At this point we're both tugging on the pea. With so much force he pulled both the me and the peas one on top of him. We were laying  there on top of each other. We both gazed in each other eyes.

"No No No, we are friends... it wouldn't work", I thought to myself.
He moved his lips to my cheek, lightly pecking me. It left a burning sensation. It was like fire. The burning sensation from my cheek to my entire face, then my neck, to my already burning chest, to my whole entire body. I felt myself flush red. I was so tempted to kiss him back but I couldn't. This kiss could put my whole entire life on the line. My plans would be ruin... everything that I have would be gone. But then... this was the only normal guy that showed interest in me.

I was there... frozen, not knowing what to do. He held me close and we just laid there together.... holding each other. I drifted off in his arms.... feeling protected and cared for even though we were both different in this world.... well our world.

THIS HERE IS DEREKHe's a Ginger guy that's 5'11

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He's a Ginger guy that's 5'11. He loves video games and is extremely clumsy. He lives for others happiness and tries his best to please and show kindness to them. He is extremely sensitive. He isn't the popular type but the best thing about him is that he has a heart.

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