A Wake

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I woke up in his arms the next day.

"I can't believe I spelt for 16 hours straight." I whispered to myself.

I tried sitting up.. totally forgetting that his arms were wrapped around me... and also forgetting that I was shirtless. Thank god he was hold me around my wait rather than my breast.... I would of...

I steadily slip out of his grip and ran to the Corner of the room to pick up my shirt and put it on and immediately snatched my phone off of the table, shaking it;dropping my paper cup of coffee on the floor. The smell of Hazelnut arose in the room combining the smell of dirty sock with it. I stormed out the room quietly. My phone had 49 notifications from my Mom, Dad and my bestie Angie. After reading the messages of both my mom and dad saying they love me in one large text I then read Angie's text asking me where I'm at because I didn't come to our dorm last night.
8:43 AM
April 3, 2020                                    📶 🔇 🔕🔋

Angie: I hope ur gitin laid.
Angie: Oooooooo maybe it's Alex...... he cute and he always starin you down.
Angie: Oooooooo maybe Greg. He always give you free coffees at the cafe.... maybe you slept with him to get free of everything there haha!!!
Angie: D E S T I N Y!! I will not be ignored... I need to find you so You can tell me the tea! Find me in the cafe!
8:24 am

I ran to my dorm and took a shower and got dressed. I put on a black T-shirt with shirts. I took my curly hair out of the pony tail and let it free. I slipped on some white  Nike slides and ran to the cafe. When I walked through the cafe doors I walked over to Angie  nonchalantly. When I look into Angie's face flashbacks  from last nights embarrassing moment came back.... still I tried to remain calm. I wanted to keep all the things that happened to myself.. deep down I know I can't. As I was walking towards her, Angie's face lit up in both excitement and curiosity. I sat down at the table across from her and folded my hands together.

"Why are you doing the preppy shit?! What the hell happening? I almost call campus security for your ass.... I got you an Iced Caramel Macchiato.", she said while leaning forward and staring into my eyes with attentiveness. I could feel her eyes burning then pulling and twisting my insides, forcing me to tell her what had happened.

I swirled my my cup around with my right hand, making the Caramel bind in with the coffee. While doing that I was trying to avoid eye contact with here. I began to dream.. I reminisced that moment where Derek was looked me into my eyes....his blue eyes... I do so admire him and favor him so much. He is much favored by the authority of I... but I must favor the authority of myself and my being. That Blue Eyed Boy..... such innocences but the boys genuine innocence is my weakness and the authority over myself is overthrown.....
I woken up from my dream and my eyes scrutinized this brown haired boy. I was staring into his Hazel eyes for a minute while he was staring back, smiling. His smile was welcoming and beautiful.... probably had braces in his younger days. He was beautiful.... maybe a fuckboy. My face was blank... I focused my attention nag Angie and she was giggling and looking at the guy. 

"Sooooooooo! Greg! Hopefully he made that coffee with love. Hehehe. I never thought you would go for a future photographer though. .", she said while sipping her ice coffee.

"Heyyyyyy! I was at the library studying... all the coding language and stuff.... I fell asleep there...."
"Boiii the library isn't 24 hours... sooo I'm guessing you lost your virginity or some shittt becauseeeee your lies are damn lies...SO YOU BANGED Greg!"

"I haven't bro... I swear! He's hot but.., I didn't... do it.. I know he's in my English class and he stares buut that doesn't mean I want him...or did anything with him."

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