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Hermione Granger was Carmen Lestrange's weakness.

This very obvious fact was the only information that absorbed Carmen's thoughts as she stood, as proud as a Lestrange could be. Her delicate skin was tightly covered by a floor length, lacy black gown. Emerald jewelry cuffed her wrists and graced her neck tightly. Carmen was typically fond of events like these; it's an opportunity to showcase her best qualities and judge others for being less than her.

But as her dark eyes met Blaise Zabini's, all she could do was hope that her slight disappointment wasn't overly clear. Blaise wasn't the problem, Carmen didn't quite agree with his views on blood status, but overall he was a decent guy. At the same time, the problem is exactly that. He's a guy.

Carmen linked arms with Blaise, hearing his slew of compliments, but paying no mind to them, instead turning her nose up at her cousin and his date. Pansy Parkinson was donned in a gown that could be mistaken for dirty sheets, her already pug-like face scrunching up as she fussed over Draco Malfoy, who looked like he'd rather be being shouted at in Lucius' study than where he stood at the moment. "Draco-" Pansy tried, her hands soaking gel into Carmen's cousin's already plastic hair. "If you could just stop moving!" She exclaimed, dodging around to fix his hair. Even Carmen couldn't help but laugh at their struggle.

Once Carmen read the clock, however, the torture her cousin was receiving was no longer humorous to her. "Pansy, sweetie," Carmen spoke with dry humor. "No matter what you do to the bloke's hair it's not going to make him any less ugly and you're going to have a whole different problem to deal with if you make us any more late."

Pansy had the audacity to sneer at the girl, "I thought you Malfoy's liked making a statement, fashionably late, as you called it?" Carmen rolled her dark eyes, beginning to walk without the others. "Yes, but there's a difference between being fashionably late and rude. If you weren't raised by pug-faced savages, you'd know that."

The three remaining Slytherins followed dutifully after the trail-blazing girl, far enough away so Carmen couldn't hear the details of Draco's and Pansy's complaining, but close enough so it was clear they were a pack.

Arriving at the Great Hall, it was clear that the party had officially started. Carmen surveyed the hall from the top of the stairs, waiting for her idiotic house mates to catch up. Blaise relinked his arm in hers, Carmen sighed in disappointment. "We missed the traditional dance of the champions. I was really looking forward to seeing Potter trip over Parvati Patil." Draco snorted next to her, his mood instantly lightened. "The only girl he could trip over, with his height."

Laughter filled the air as the four pureblood Slytherin's descended the staircase. They practically radiated both power and trust fund money, spiraling onlooker's center of gravity off guard. While Pansy and Carmen fought like fire and ice, the similarities of their powerful personalities was so evident as both of their eyes maintained eye contact with people captivated by them. Except while Pansy's transferred to another set every so often, Carmen's meaningful gaze was locked onto the delectable gaze of one Hermione Granger. As the Slytherin passed her friend silently, she allowed her gaze to travel.

Hermione was the only one in this hall that Carmen will ever admit outshone her that night.

As her eyes made their way back up to Hermione's, the Gryffindor girl swallowed thickly. Only, for once, it wasn't fear she was swallowing down.

It was halfway through the night when Carmen felt it. She hadn't spoken to Hermione all night, she knew exactly where the girl was, so when she managed to dance around Blaise and get in a position where she could see Hermione, to the Slytherin's surprise, their eyes automatically met.

Both were way too proud to look away. Even as Carmen slowly made her way over to her, not even bothering to make up an excuse for Blaise. Their eyes remained connected, both of their pulses skyrocketing, but neither made a move to leave.

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