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"You know, if you're interested in plants you'd be better with Gorshok's Guide to Herbology. Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal whose growing gravity resistant trees?"

As they walked, Carmen Lestrange avoided looking in Neville Longbottom's relative direction. Hermione's told her numerous times that she shouldn't feel guilt for her parent's wrongdoings, but she couldn't help the pang in her genetically ruthless heart at each nervous glance she feels on her face. Besides, Hermione's not here, which is how the Slytherin girl ended up with the two Gryffindors.

"Neville. No offense, but I really don't care about plants. Now if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour then great." Harry Potter tried his best not to snap at the boy, but Neville didn't seem phased.

"I don't know about a turnip, but you can always use gillyweed." Carmen's nose scrunched up at this.

"Where would you even find a thing like that?" She scoffed, but when she was met with only the two pairs of eyes on her. Understanding overcame her and she groaned.

"Why did Hermione have to ditch me with you two dumbasses?"

Getting the plant was easy, Snape's pantry was unlocked when they got there. Carmen guessed, in a fuck up way, that that made it less like stealing and more like using their resources.

The hard part was making sure the Chosen One didn't drown. He was meant to be down there for an hour, but due to the lack of research on the plant, no one could be certain. Neville, of course, decided to save this information until Carmen, Harry, and him were on their way to the lake. The two start bickering, but Carmen's eyes are scanning the crowd.

Hermione was no where to be found, just like the last six hours. Instead, her eyes meet the fake one of Mad Eye Moody. Carmen shivers.That man gave her a bad vibe.

Carmen Lestrange was pulled away from the two oblivious boys, a familiar blonde towing her to the stands. "Alright, cousin, I got the best seats. We'll be able to see Harry Potter drown in the best quality."

Carmen smacks his arm, but still links them together, chuckling softly. In truth, she was distracted, her gaze was still hovering on each face, searching for Hermione Granger who she hasn't seen in hours.

Once they've gotten to their seats, the stands buzzing with excitement, a cannon fires, signaling the beginning of the test. Three of the four champions gracefully dive in while Harry Potter chokes on gillyweed. Ultimately, though, he's pushed. Nervous chatter breaks out in the crowd until Harry resurfaces, flying into the air like a dolphin. The crowd eats this up. well, the crowd minus the stand where Carmen sits, which decided to boo his resurfacing.

At Draco's obvious distaste, Carmen elbows him, giving him a look. She knew of his distinct hated of the kid, but booing him because he didn't drown seemed a bit extra. He instantly glared at her, a look that left almost everyone cowering.


Carmen gave him a blank look, "Fix your face."

The blond boy sat down, grumbling at his cousin. Some time passes before Fleur Delacour surfaces, looking like she just saw death itself. Carmen and Draco share a look, a flicker of worry on their otherwise stoic expression.

Cedric Diggory surfaces next, a Ravenclaw girl in the year below Carmen in his arms. A influx of chanting in the already wild crowd forces Carmen's eyes from the pair. Draco was right about these seats, you could really see everything. Which is partly why it was so easy for Carmen to make out Hermione Granger's form in Viktor Krum's arms.

Carmen could infer by the sudden roar of the crowd that Harry Potter surfaced, but she couldn't see anything as she weaseled her way through the crowd toward where the champions were. Dumbledore announced the placements as she was moving and suddenly the entire crowd was moving. Carmen couldn't tell where she was going anymore, and she simply stood in place, blowing air through his lips in frustration. Snide comments and glares were shot her way for interrupting the flow of traffic, but with one empty, icy look, the crowd decided it'd be a better idea to go around her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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