Part One

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Part 1

I didn't actually know what the boys had planned for Valentine's Day. Were we going to do something all together? Was it even going to be a big deal? It wasn't like I had a ton of relationship experience (besides the odd book or movie). Those romantic holiday moments tended to have roses and chocolates and dinner and lots of kissing. But more importantly, those dates feature one girl and one boy--not one girl and nine boys.The mere thought has me chewing my bottom lip with nerves. If Nathan was here, he would have a fit.

I sigh and pull myself out of my thoughts enough to get out of bed and get ready for the day. The shower still has me on edge, and it's less relaxing and more tense than it should be, but at least it's more efficient than a bath. After using the new hair dryer Gabriel had given me a couple of weeks ago, my chameleon hair flows effortlessly to frame my face, and for once I don't even bother trying to pull it back into a clip. What was the point? The Meanie would do his thing, and I would be clipless once more. I even decide to brush on some mascara, that Dr Green had given me last week unexpectedly, with that flirty grin on his face, saying how he wanted to "see something." He told me that my eyes were already captivating, and that he wanted to see if I could hypnotize someone. Whatever that meant. I haven't had the guts to put it on yet. I'm still new to flirting, and for some reason Dr Green makes me blush so much. I'm probably more red than normal whenever we're together. He could be talking about the weather, and it would still make me flush. It's the way he says things, the sparkle in his eye with his unwavering eye-contact, and the way the corner of his mouth turns up. Impossible.

I smile, then glance sheepishly up at where I know the tiny camera to be attached in the light fixture overhead. Do they ever turn on that camera? Do they watch me in the shower? My finger floats to my lips and I rush back to my room, to the hidden attic space to select some clothes. I didn't rush out of there because it made me anxious at the thought of them seeing me naked, I rushed more because of how it made me feel thinking of them watching me. It wasn't an uneasy, violated feeling like I thought it would be. It's more... anticipatory. It's a feeling I just recently became aware of being around the boys. A sort of longing, a want, a desire, but for what exactly I don't know.

I groan in frustration at my confusing feelings, then quickly choose my outfit. I decide to go with my black thigh high socks, black heeled boots, and black skirt combination that the guys seemed to like back when we had our first sleepover. In the spirit of the holiday I opt for a fitted, red long sleeve v-neck sweater with one of my pink miracle bras that adds a cup size. I know I had been paying special attention to my appearance lately, but I found myself really wanting to look good for the guys. They are each so perfect, I want to be worthy of them. I want them to look at me with the awe that I look at them. Finishing my look with a new, cropped leather jacket, I make my way downstairs, still early because I hadn't been able to sleep much with my anxiety over how to act today.

I gasp as I move into the kitchen. It's crowded with bodies--nine bodies to be exact. The guys are all here, some sitting at my small kitchen table, some leaning against the counter. Just talking quietly among themselves. At my gasp, they all turn to me, and I have to force my hand to keep away from my mouth, but then it just hangs awkwardly to my side as the guys take in my appearance. I'm feeling pleased that they seem to like what they see.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Sang Baby," North is the first one to break the silence, and then the rest of them chime in their own holiday greetings.

"H-happy Valentine's Day," My voice is weak when it starts, so I try again.

Gabriel sighs, then gets up from the table to wrap me in his arms, "Trouble, Trouble, Trouble. What are we going to do with you?"

"I want her, Gabe, quit hogging her," Nathan is next to me now, pulling me from Gabriel to him, then I'm passed around to the rest of the guys, until I'm standing in front of Dr Green and Mr Blackbourne.

Dr Green smiles his flirty smile and I can't help but grin back, he leans in to whisper something in my ear, "I was right--hypnotic. You've cast a spell on all of us."

I let out a breath, unable to do anything else, knowing I'm probably bright red to match my sweater.

"Miss Sorenson, would you be so kind as to join us for a Valentine's breakfast?" As always, Mr Blackbourne is controlled and commanding.

"Of course, Mr Blackbourne. Thank you."

Kota immediately pulls out a chair at the table for me, and there's a scrambling as the boys elbow each other trying to get the seats next to me. I giggle, and notice Silas quickly glance in my direction, his own surprised laugh booming from his lips. He once told me he loved my laugh, and the fond memory makes me laugh some more. Soon the whole room is laughing--even Mr Blackbourne let out a chuckle at one point--and talking, as we enjoy heart shaped pancakes.

As we make our way to the cars to go to school, I'm feeling like I'm floating away with my happiness, nothing could bring me down.

"Hey Princess," I'm pulled back away from the others by Victor, who's grinning at me nervously, "Do you think we could spend some time together today? Alone, I mean?"

I gulp, hopefully inconspicuously, nervous myself at where 'alone' could bring us, "Of course, Victor, you don't even have to ask."

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