BONUS Part Four

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BONUS: Part 4

I got a few requests to do a Victor scene, so I'm rewarding my wonderful fans! Love you guys! xoxo, SB

I can't stop smiling as North drives us back towards home. I can't believe I kissed him! I can't believe he kissed me back. And then those things he said... I smile even broader.

North's hand leaves the gear shift briefly and squeezes my own. "Stop thinking about it, baby. If you're thinking about it, I'm thinking about it, and I really need to concentrate on the road, not your lips."

"Okay," I mutter, still grinning.

North laughs then, and I have to giggle with him. We end up making silly small talk the rest of the half hour drive. I don't even care about my surroundings until we pull up in the parking lot on the swankier side of town, with all of the fancy shops. We park next to North's black Jeep, which I'm surprised to see Victor in the driver's seat.

Victor waves and smiles at me, and I immediately wave back. He jumps out of the Jeep and opens the door for me, and I giggle when I hear North grunt next to me. I get out and give Victor a greeting hug. North shuffles over to us with his hands in his jeans pockets, sighing.

"Alright, baby. I gotta go do some quick Academy business, but Victor's going to take you to pick up the dress Gabe designed for you for tonight," North says a little gruffly.

"Tonight?" I'm confused. I'm also a little unsure of North's shut down. We had just been so open and loose--so carefree.

"It's Valentine's day. We're going to have a family dinner," Victor answers for him.

"Okay." I glance at North, who's staring at the ground.

"So... I'll see you later tonight I guess," North's eyes slide up and meet mine. He looks torn. I lunge forward and hug him around his waist. He mumbles into my hair, "Bye, baby."

I pull away and North climbs into his Jeep and drives off, leaving Victor his own car.

Victor slowly takes my hand in his, giving me a gentle squeeze. "Ready, princess? We have to pick up your dress, but first I wanted to take you somewhere. Do you want to come with me?"

I smile at his shy demeanor. Victor is so sweet! "Of course!"

We walk hand in hand down the street, looking into windows. Victor occasionally stops and asks me if I see anything I like, but I politely turn him down. He's already bought so much for me, I don't want him to think I'm spending time with him because of his money. I just want to be with him, not his wallet.

Weirdly, my refusals and head shakes seem to bother him. Not like they're upsetting him, but like he doesn't quite know what to do.

To settle him down, I release his hand and then slide my hand around his waist, gripping his side, getting even closer to him. He looks down at me, a little shocked, but eventually grins, sliding his arm over my shoulders, holding me close as we walk. I inhale his wonderful scent, moss and berries, and can't help but giggle that I'm smelling him. He looks at me from the corner of his eyes but doesn't question me. I can see him smiling though.

We finally stop outside of a lavish looking store with a grand piano in the window, along with other antique musical instruments and stands.

Victor squeezes my shoulder as he holds the door open for me. "This is my favorite shop. You mentioned before that you wanted to get to know us better, and this is a huge part of myself."

I look up into his face, and he appears so vulnerable and shy. He's literally handing me his self--what makes him tick.

"Thank you," I murmur, and lean up onto my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. His eyes widen and he flushes, clearing his throat.

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