Part Three

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Part 3


I decide that North owes me his long overdue promise to take me to the beach, even though he warns me that it's going to be cold because it's February. The farther we get from the school, and "potential threats" as my protective North says, the more he relaxes. Relaxed, carefree, smiling North is a rare thing, but it's beautiful. The drive isn't too long, and we get out and walk hand in hand to the beach. It's cold, and the water is choppy from the windy weather, but it's still a breathtaking sight. We sit on the cool sand, side by side, with North's arm around my shoulders, pulling me in to lean my head against his chest. It's perfect.

We sit in companionable silence for what seems like ages, but then I realize I want to know more about him--I want to know everything, even the little, non-crucial stuff, "What's your favorite color?"

"Black. Obviously," he pokes me in the ribs and I jolt and let out a shriek of laughter before relaxing back into him.

"No, black isn't a color--it's a shade. If you had to pick a real color, what would you choose?" I'm being obnoxious, I know, but it's so liberating to see North grinning and at ease. I love it.

North grumbles, pretending to be annoyed, but he's secretly loving it too, I know it, "If I had to choose, like if someone had a gun up to my head, I would choose..." he looks over at me, focusing his gaze directly on mine, "your eyes--those vibrant, changing, green orbs that could make the sanest man go fucking crazy."

I swallow nervously, no, not nervously, more like anxiously--anxiety for something I don't even know. I lick my lips, and his gaze shifts down to my mouth for a second, before sliding back up my face to my eyes. His own eyes seem to have grown darker, the pupils dilated slightly.

"Um, if you could have any superpower, what would it be?"

He laughs outright at that, his body rumbling next to mine, "That's a good one. I would want to have Superman's powers. The strength, the speed, flight, and be impervious to damage. Then I'd be able to keep you completely safe."

I breathe out slowly. How did he always say the right thing? "I feel completely safe when I'm with you, North," I give him a shy smile.

The way he looks at me when I say that is so intense, so incredibly capturing, that I actually shiver. He thinks it's because I'm cold, and he pulls me up over his leg so I'm sitting with his legs on the outside of my own thighs, my back to his chest, his arms wrapped around my torso.

"It's nice to hear you say that, Sang Baby. It's all I want," he squeezes me a little tighter and I sigh, letting myself melt back into his arms.

We sit that way, watching the waves, for a long time. I'm so content being there with him, I could care less about the time. Because my rear is pressed to his front, I feel it when his cellphone starts going off. It must be in his front pocket. It goes off once, signalling a text. He ignores it, and buries his face in my neck. The phone buzzes again, and then again. The text messages are pouring in. He groans into my neck, then pulls away to fish out his phone.

I scoot forward a bit, then turn sideways so I can watch for a reaction to what the messages might say. What could be so urgent? North touches some words in, replying, and sighs heavily.

"What's going on?" I ask tentatively, starting to get worried.

"School's over. The guys are all asking about you. They say I've kidnapped you and are getting all pissy about it."

When I don't say anything, and he keeps his eyes locked on mine, he grows serious, and says so quietly that I can barely hear him over the waves, "I wish I could take you away."

I know my eyes grow wide, I can't help it. After he says it he shuts his eyes as if in regret, and I can't stand to see him looking so upset, especially after spending those last few blissful hours with the happy, playful North.

I do the only thing I can think of in that moment. I turn slightly so I'm kneeling facing him, and lightly place my lips on his, no fingers between us. His eyes whip open, but he doesn't move. I pull away slightly, so that our lips are a few inches apart, then lean forward again, this time with a little more force. I can literally feel the change in him. His eyes close again, and he's pulling my hips forward, until I'm actually sitting on his lap, my legs on either side of his hips. His lips, oh wow his lips, are pressing against my own and it feels so different than when fingers separated us.

One of his hands still grips my waist, but the other slides up my back and finds the back of my head, tangling into my windswept hair, pressing me closer to him. After a quick break to breathe, he pulls me back down and this time, opens his mouth against mine, slowly, tenderly, swiping his tongue against my bottom lip. I shiver, and he groans, his hand on my waist moving to the small of my back, making me arch against him.

I'm lost in sensation, it's the most amazing feeling I've never felt before, and something seems to warm me low in my stomach. When he brushes his tongue against my lips again, I let out a tiny moan, parting my lips a little, and he uses the opening to lightly press his tongue to mine. I shiver again, and as he massages my tongue with his, I feel a strange sensation build between my legs. It's new, and slightly uncomfortable, seeking relief.

I'm lost, lost, lost. I want more, but I don't know what I want. My hands slide from North's shoulders down to his chest, and I curl my fingers slightly, digging in a little with my nails. He makes a noise between a groan and a growl, and I shift restlessly on his lap. While doing so, I feel an unexpected bulge forming underneath me, and I gasp, but don't stop--I don't want to stop.

North makes another strained noise, then pulls away from me before shifting me off his lap completely. We're both breathing hard, and North's pupil's are so big with desire his eyes look black. It's incredibly enticing. I move to kiss him again and he holds me back, shaking his head.

"Oh baby, that's not a good idea. You're killing me already, any more and I'm not going to be able to stop."

I put my finger up to my lips, noticing they're swollen slightly from all the use, and his eye's widen, "No, no baby. Don't draw attention to your lips, Jesus."

He stands up and brushes the sand off his pants, then holds a hand out to me to pull me up. I brush off my sand, too, eyes cast downward.

"I'm sorry, North," I say weakly. I'm feeling very insecure at the moment. My first kiss was amazing, better than I had ever imagined. I didn't even know my body could feel the things it did--I actually felt empty now that I wasn't touching him anymore. But, I didn't know why he was distancing himself now. Was I not good at it? Was I a bad kisser? Oh God...

"Sang Baby, no. Don't you dare be sorry. I'm not," he tilts my chin up so I'm forced to look up at him, "That was the best moment of my life. I only stopped because I was getting way too excited. Don't be sorry, please baby. You..." he hesitates a second, "Fuck it. I was getting way too excited because you taste like Heaven. And the little noises you make, God. Then, knowing that in your skirt there's only a thin layer of fabric... You feel amazing, and when your hands were on my chest... I couldn't handle it."

I smile at him widely even though I know I've turned bright red, then wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him to me, murmuring his name. He dips his head low, burying his face in my neck, then pulls back.

"C'mon. I'd better get you back before the guys organize a search party."

He pulls me up so he's carrying me, one arm supporting my shoulders and neck, one tucked behind my knees. I giggle at being carried, and too soon we're back in Victor's car, about to head back.

North starts the engine, then leans over and kisses me, deep and slow. When he pulls away he whispers something I can't hear, it's too quiet. I don't think he actually wants me to hear it, it seems like he just wanted to say something aloud. I'm panting lightly, and my cheeks are flushed.

The whole drive, he holds my hand. It's perfect.

"Thank you for our beach date."

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