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Lukes P.O.V.

Today was just a normal day, or so I thought. I woke up hard. So ya its not so normal. I decided I should go take a cold shower because I would never jack off.

Once I was out of the shower and feeling refreshed, I put on some black skinny jeans with my Nirvana shirt and black Converse.

"By mom!" I yelled as I was driving on my way to my Michaels. I saw my mom standing in the window and she just gave me a small smile.

Michael is my best friend. We aren't the most popular people in the school, but Michael could be. All the girls swoon over him when he's alone, but when he's with me they just find him gross. We hangout a lot and I always tell him to go find other friends and that I'm making him less popular with him even standing next to me, but of course, he doesn't listen.

Once I got to his house, I texted him that I was outside. I then saw him walking out to my car wearing a plain black T-shirt with ripped black skinny jeans and black vans. His hair was now freshly dyed green.

"Nice hair" I complemented the now green haired guy. Michael dyes his hair a lot and I keep telling him that its going to all fall out by the time he's 20 but he just flicks me off every time. I guess he wants to be bald.

"Thanks, I got my mom to help me last night since you were 'busy' "  he said slightly annoyed. "Ya well I had to do homework and study for a test I have today! I can't fail, I've never failed in my life and I'm not planning on it anytime soon." I shot back. Its true, I've never failed one test in my whole 12 years of going to school. The lowest mark I ever got was a 95% in grade 10. Let's just say, I may or may not have cried myself to sleep that night. "You won't fail in life if you fail one test. Plus you won't because you're super smart." He said with a cheeky grin. "No I won't fail because I studied. Now what do you want from Starbucks?" I asked as we pulled up to one. I love Starbucks.

Call me a white girl, but what can I say? I like going in there and ordering things off of the secret menu. Especially a raspberry vanilla bean or white hot chocolate. "Ummm.....get me 2 cake pops- actually 3 cake pops, 2 cookies and a venti vanilla bean." He said giving me a knowing look and I just rolled my eyes. "Do you want to end up fat and bald?" I asked teasingly. And with that, I shut my car door. Then he gave me the middle finger.

Michael usually waits in the car when we go to Starbucks. We go every Thursday and he pays because his mom gives him money. The only reason he pays for me is because I give him a ride to and from school basically everyday so he owes me Starbucks. He has a car, I don't see why he doesn't drive.

Once I got inside, I order a grande white hot chocolate, and 1 cookie for me and a venti vanilla bean, 3 cake pops, and 2 cookies for Michael.

When I got back in my car, I saw Michael put on the radio and turned on Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass by All Time Low. "It's not even Christmas..." I said giving him a confused look. "So? It's basically Christmas. Kiss my ass." Michael said smirking at me. And with that I just rolled my eyes. There's no need in arguing with Michael, he's always going to have a witty comeback.

We then pulled up to the school and ate our Starbucks on the bench. "Oh look Calum. There's a fag sitting on OUR bench eating Starbucks like a little. White. Bitch." Ashton said and then shoved me off of the bench.

Ashton is the most annoying person you will ever meet. He thinks popularity is the most important thing about school. He's also very self-righteous and arrogant. He just thinks he's perfect and has no flaws. Zero. Not one flaw on Ashton Irwin. But that's just what everyone thinks, except me. And Michael, but sometimes I think he secretly talks to Ashton and would much rather hangout with him than me. Who wouldn't?

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