Chapter 1

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Lukes P.O.V.

It was later that night when I saw it. It was after dinner, after I was done studying and doing my homework. It was him.

Ashton messaged me on Facebook and I obviously knew that what he was going to say (or should I say typed) wasn't going to be good. But this was taking it to a whole new level.

The things he wrote, the way he wrote it was just so harsh. What did I ever do to him?

The message goes something like this:

You're an ungreatful bastard and I hope you know that. I hope you die in misery. You don't deserve ANYTHING because you're just a little shit. Go die you dumb twat. You're a stupid ugly faggot with no life who deserves to rot in hell. Why did you call me a dumbass today in the hall?? Was that the only insult you could come up with?? I've heard that one way too many times. I hope you know this isn't the last message I send you, get used to seeing this everyday. Who's gonna save you now?? Your rainbow haired freak friend isn't here to save you now. But like he'd care. He always runs away when Cal starts beating the shit out of you. And your mommy and daddy?? Do you really think the give a shit about you? No one likes you. Now get that hrough your thick skull, freak!

I must say, his spelling got better. But ya, I know that people call me that and that's there opinion. I'm not one to fight fire with fire, but if I keep getting these harsh messages, then I won't be afraid.

In fact, I'm not afraid. They're just words. To some people, words mean so much more than they should. For some people, words are like daggers, stabbing into their soul. But for me, its just someones obnoxious voice.

I know I'm not all those things. But if he's going to be so damn rude to have to bring it up outside of school, then so be it. I'm not scared of him. In fact, in some ways I'm more powerful than him. I could easily find out his weak spots.

As I said before, Michael could be frirends with anyone he wants. If he can get all of the girls attention, then he'll be on Ashtons good side. I'll be a loner for a few days, but as long as i get all of the dirt on Ashton I need, then so be it.

I know he won't want to fight physically, he's too scared. But so am I and violence is never the answer. So, it'll just be more like an extended argument. The most physical he'll want to get, is just pushing and shoving. Maybe a few slaps here and there, but I can deal with that.

Maybe I'm not thinking this through, though. Like, what if he gets Calum to go after me even more? What if Michael starts to like hanging out with him more than me? Is it worth it to risk all of those things? Screw it, I'm not one to take chances, and this is a chance I do not want to take. 

I'll just go to sleep and hopefully it'll all go away by tomorrow.


I woke up to the smell of my mum making pancakes. I don't know why she makes breakfast, I never eat it. I get her to pack me a huge lunch though, to make up for not eating breakfast. 

As I rolled out of bed, I immediately realised what time it was. I had 10 minutes to get ready. I usually need an hour, you know, to shower, brush my teeth, do my hair, and get dressed. Looks like I don't have time to shower today. For most people, missing one shower doesn't matter. But for me, It makes me hair a mess and impossible to deal with. So, I just pulled on a red beanie with black ripped skinny jeans and a bro tank.

I had dark circles under my eyes because I couldn't sleep at all last night. All I could think about was that message. It's like the words stuck with me. They actually hurt and I felt this pain in my chest. I was usually so strong with these types of things. But, I tried paying no mind to it and coninued getting ready.

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