1 - No Title: Up For Adoption

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School, of course, was as sour as usual.  Even after taking exams, there's no relief.

Chalk in hand, Mrs. Henders strides purposefully towards the chalkboard.  I can almost hear the entire class groaning.  Leave it to Mrs. Henders to burden us with more work.  The chalk screeches against the board several times, and I wince and shiver.  The noise always sends chills down my spine.

After a few moments, Mrs. Henders is once again facing us.  When she begins explaining our homework, I completely zone out, desperately wanting some sleep.  Once she's done ranting, she asks us if we understand what exactly we're supposed to do.  I, of course, have no clue what the heck she assigned us, but I manage to nod just before the bell rings to dismiss us.  I quickly look to the chalkboard and jot down the homework, hoping that I can figure it all out on my own once I get home.

I pack everything into my black backpack as quickly as I can and hurry out of the room, bumping into other people along the way.

I don't bother to go back to my locker.  There's nothing I'll need from it anyways.  Instead, I head for the nearest exit.  But just as I'm about to fling the door open and take my leave, a siren begins wailing.  The siren that alerts everyone of a weapon on campus.

Normally, if this happened during school hours, we would take cover in the classrooms.  But it's not school hours anymore, and everyone's out and about.

A jolt of terror goes through me when I realize I have a choice.  I'm never good at choices.  I can exit the building and hope that the person with the weapon isn't outside.  Or, I can go back into Mrs. Henders' classroom and hope that the imposter won't find me there. 

I hear people screaming not far away from me.  I hope, for a moment, that these are screams of fear, not of pain.

I suddenly see another problem.  I have no idea how many imposters there are.  There could be only one, or an entire gang.

Before I can decide what to do, someone yanks my arm and drags me off to a random classroom.  It's Carol, once of my classmates.  Her face is white, and I can't blame here.  I'm trembling from head to toe. 

Carol shuts the door and turns out the lights.  The room is almost pitch black, but there's just a bit of light streaming through the blinds of the only window in the room.  I notice that Carol is trembling too.

"I figured it was coming," she whispers so softly I can barely catch it.

"What do you mean?" I ask in reply.  My voice is uneven.

"This has been happening at other schools too.  Students bringing weapons on campus, or intruders randomly popping in."

It takes me a moment to process that.  This has been happening at other places, and I never knew about it.  Confusion begins to set in.

"Happening at other schools?" I repeat as if not understanding.

Carol nods.

Immediately, my nerdy side jumps out and tries to analyze all of the information.  But there's too much and too little all at the same time.  I'm about to say something to Carol when I hear shots fired down the hall.

The door to the room has a small, rectangular window.  There's no time to cover it.  Carol takes my arm and yanks me to the corner so that we can't be seen.  We both sit down, and mentally, I upgrade Carol to friend status. 

"What do we do now?" she asks softly.  Her voice is trembling as badly as her hands.

Impulsively, I shush her.  I know I'm being paranoid, but I don't want to risk anyone hearing us.  That wouldn't exactly help our situation.

As quiet as I'm trying to be, my breathing is unbelievably loud.  It's almost as if the sounds are bouncing off the walls.  I shiver and try to calm myself down, but now it seems as if even the sound of my heart beating is echoing through the room.

Just as I'm about to relax against the cold, white wall behind me, the computer in the room lets out a beeping sound, and I nearly jump out of my skin.  My stomach leaps to my throat as the computer's screen lights up.  Next to me, Carol's trying not to scream and scramble away.  More shots are fired though, and I decide that this creepy classroom with a creepy computer is much better than having to face a maniac that will blow your brains out without a moment of hesitation.

After the computer makes a few more noises, I'm practically hysterical and desperately wanting out of the room.  Carol is shivering violently and probably wants to destroy the computer too.

I realize that there aren't any more shots ringing through the hallway.  I turn to Carol, and she seems to understand.  We help each other to our feet, our legs wobbling like jelly.

For a scary moment, I almost feel attracted to the door.  I know this is the way I need to go.  I shake off the cold feeling and stumble toward the door, with Carol lingering behind me.

I push the door open and nearly faint and what I see.  Carol gasps.  Blood is painted all over the walls of the otherwise bleak, white hallway.  But that isn't it.  The blood spells out words.



Donated by: @Rynn-Morgenstern

Status: Up for Adoption

Title: None

Categories: Mystery/Horror

Published on Wattpad: No

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