2 - No Title: Up For Adoption

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Sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office really isn't the happiest thing to be doing.  My mother sits beside me with a smile on her face.  She really isn't happy, but in public, she always appears that way.

In the area with toys, a baby begins wailing, making a few people wince.  I ignore the noise as best as I can and begin to tap my foot on the floor impatiently, but when my mother kicks me, I stop. 

Once of the nurses opens up the door and calls my name.  I walk up to her, but my mother stays behind.  The nurse motions for me to follow her, and I immediately notice a small blood stain directly over her heart.  I say nothing but allow her to lead me away. She glances back and smiles at me, but I don't return it.  I notice that her eyes are blue.  Too blue.

She ushers me into a room with plain white walls, completely contrasting her colorful outfit.  She asks me the usual questions, but something is off.  She hasn't measured my height, had me get on the scale, or taken my blood pressure.  She's also writing nothing down.

Before I can properly put the information together, she explains that it's time for my flu shot.  I frown.  I had my flu shot less than two months ago. 

The nurse begins digging around in a cabinet, and after a few moments, she pulls out a syringe filled with black liquid.  Before I can utter a word, the needle is already sinking into my arm.  The last thing I remember seeing is the black liquid flowing through me, making my veins pop out darkly against my pale skin, almost like blackened spiderwebs against a white wall.


Donated by: @Rynn-Morgenstern

Status: Up for Adoption

Title: None

Categories: None

Published on Wattpad: No

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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