Ch. 11 First Date

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Molten stood in front of a full length bedroom mirror, fixing the navy tie around the collar of his crisp white shirt. He ran his hand down the smooth side of the tie. He looked at the mirror, staring back at his human self. He couldn't help but feel ridiculous with the tie around his neck: he'd known Zion almost a week, they'd had sex with Molten as top twice, and it was only now they were going on a first date?!

Despite this, he also couldn't help but want to overdo it because of Zion's high status, along with the fact that he knew his future father-in-law was in the same building as him at the current time.

He muttered a hmph as he tried to think of an alternative outfit, scanning the empty room around him. According to Mona and Kate, this room would have been the one he woke up in, had Zion not had him moved into his room. It was smaller than Zion's, with a double bed, dresser and an en-suite shower room.

He pushed aside some of his fringe, hoping to bring the outfit together... that didn't work either. He rolled his shoulders and heard a knock on the door.

"Yeah," he called, hoping it was someone to say that the castle was burning and that the date was called off.

Instead, his sire, Flame, walked through the door. "How's it goin'?" He asked, kind of curious.

Molten ran his thumb on the underside of the tie and sighed. "Do you think I'm overdoing it?" He said, turning towards his sire.

Flame shifted to his own human form, with tightly cut hair, polished dark horns, tanned skin and an artificial-looking amber eye colour. He walked closer to his son, his stride smooth and slow.

"Honestly?" He started, "Yes," he reached for Molten's collar. "You don't need that," he said, loosening the knot in the tie.

Molten let out a quick burst of air, snorting on his sire's hands. He muttered something under his breath.

"I'm not even going to ask," Flame said, undoing the tie and taking it off. He threw it on the bed beside him. He then took a step back, looking at the rest of the outfit. "You know it's a first date right? Not your wedding." He said, looking at the navy suit trousers Molten wore. "Where did you even get them?" He looked back at the tie and then back at the shirt. "Where did you get any of this stuff?"

Molten sighed. "Staying in this castle has its perks, alright." Flame raised a brow. "Same day delivery," he explained, "and somehow they have dragon sizes."

Flame shook his head and sighed. "Keep the shirt, but change into jeans or something," Flame said and began his way out the door.

Molten let an embarrassed smile form on his face. "Thanks."

He changed quickly, changing into navy chinos and white Converse. He rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to the elbow. At least with this outfit, it would suit both his forms. He left the top two buttons open on his shirt, keeping up the casual look. As he was about to leave the bedroom, he grabbed a navy jacket, just in case, seeing as the temperature at this latitude was cold at night, especially during summer, as it was now.

He made his way quickly downstairs, putting the jacket on near the end. As his shoe hit the tiled floor at the end, he heard a bedroom door from the floor above, close. He fixed his jacket with a quick tug and faced the stairs. He saw movement from above and focused on it. Soon later he heard footsteps on the wooden stairs coming down from that floor. He slipped his phone out of his pocket. 19:30, just like they had planned that morning.

He shifted his stance as the footsteps came closer. The figure turned the corner on the stairs, facing Molten, turning the figure into Zion. He was dressed in a black buttoned t-shirt and dark jeans. He continued his way down the stairs. Finally, his shoes touched a white tile at the end of the stairs.

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