Chapter 1

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The sound of Freeside's charm faded the further Vincent walked away from it. He still lugged around the limp he'd won in the fight with the thugs, knowing good and well it'd mark him as easy prey. Not much could be done about it anyway. The desert air wasn't as sweet as he remembered. That could mean a number of things. Maybe the drugs were finally working, and he was finally forgetting. Or maybe what they say about the air around New Vegas was true. He headed south and only God knows why. There was no where for him to go these days. Everyone that stood by him in the past was long gone. The thoughts were getting to him once again, so he did the only thing he knew how. He pulled the trusty steel flask he'd owned for years and happily swallowed the last of the golden liquid down. Whiskey late in the afternoon burned his throat, but at this point he didn't care. He walked in a daze attempting to supress any thougts that came around until a broken barn caught his eye. A quick glance at the sky told the time. The sun was beginning to set. Nighttime and an unarmed drunkard set in the Mojave wasn't a good combination in the slightest. Neither was fire, but its the only sorce of warmth Vincent had. By the time he'd gotten enough brush, night had already embraced the desert and the cool winds were beginning to waft over the dry earth. He was glad he made a leather duster his signurature look years ago, as it helped ward off the chill. His fire was small, but welcoming. He had nothing but the clothes on his back. No supplies, no weapons... Not even any more smokes. He thought for just a second how nice it'd be for his life to be just as it was 10 years ago. He'd give anything to have it all back, but theres no changing the past. The crackling fire was the only sound around. His exhaustion hung heavy on his eyes and he soon found himself laid by the fire. Sleep was a gift these days, as it was rare it'd last longer than an hour or two. A week. Sleep was a safe haven. A place free from pain. He thought maybe this time he'd get lucky. Maybe he wouldn't wake up.

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