Chapter 17

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There were six of them. As far as Vincent could tell at least.
  "For fuck's sake..."
  "I thought you skipped town, Vince?"
  "I did"
  "We seen you long before you even came through the gates. Hanging outside of Freeside? You'll be happy to know we've given your friends complementary rooms at the Gomorrah."
Vincent leapt forward, but was stopped by two of the men that surrounded him.
  "Ah, ah, ah! You owe us some caps, Vince"
  "Well, I don't have them"
  "Why do thieves, never have their debts...?"
He said it with distaste, and began to light a cigarette.
  "I think you better pay us a visit at the Gomorrah, Vince"
  "What for? I don't have your money"
  "Exactly. We think you should stick around 'till you get it to us."
  "And if I refuse?"
  "There ain't no refusing. It'd be more like resisting. And that little word will land you in a back ally, dead."
  "...How do you expect me to get your caps to you if I'm stuck at Gomorrah?"
  "That's your problem, Vincent. I don't give a damn how you do it. Now move your tail."
One of the men shoved him forwards. He really had no other choice than to walk. Vincent had done some shitty things in his lifetime, and he knew it. Working for the Omertas was one of them. He didn't really care about their money. It wasn't on his mind at all. Rather, he was busied with guilt. He'd once again landed those who wanted only to help him in trouble. Vince took no time at all to make the decision that as soon as he'd seen Shannon and Noah unharmed, he'd try his best to negotiate their freedom. After all, they had no part in this. The few vagrants that the group passed by paid no attention. A smart Freesider never would. No one wants to be on the bad side of the Omertas. The head of the group flashed his pass to the securitrons at Vegas's gate when they passed. Seconds later the aura of New Vegas washed over Vincent once more. It wasn't welcoming in the slightest. They quickly rushed him into Gomorrah, as to not attract any attention. Once he stepped through the lavish doors, he knew he was getting himself into a grim situation. Again. None of the patrons paid him mind as the group journeyed upstairs to one of the suites. Through one of the doors, they'd eventually released their grip on Vincent. It was one of the suites. Not one of the nicer ones, though. Shannon and Noah weren't in the room.
  "Now hold on a moment, where are the others?"
Vince questioned the head of the group. He did nothing more than gesture to one of the goons, whom promptly left the room. Moments later he came back holding Noah by the arm.
  "You get one of your little friends now. The other stays with us 'till you get us at least half your money."
There was a strong hiss in the man's tone. After he finished his sentence, the group of Omertas left the room. A loud click indicated that the suite's door had been locked from the outside. Vincent expected Noah to be angry, but he did nothing more than plop down onto a nearby couch.
  "Aren't you worried? ...Noah?"
  "Hm? Oh, well no not really. I gave them the rest of the wages. It counts for probably a third of what you owe."
  "Oh... Well thank you"
  "It shouldn't be me you thank. Sam is the one who gave up her life for you."
  "Life savings?"
  "Oh! Yeah, yeah..."
Noah had his back turned to Vince.
  "I suppose it could be worse"
  "Vincent can I ask you a question?"
  "Sure. Ive been asked enough of 'em recently"
  "Why do you owe such a large debt to the Omertas, of all people?"
Again with the personal questions.
  "Its complicated"
  "You didn't get mixed up with a whore, did you?"
  "What? No, no! It was nothing like that!"
  "Ah, sorry then"
  "I worked for them way back when. Because Liz and I came to the strip so often, we had it in good with all the casinos. Gomorrah was always my favorite. Not for the women, mind you. They've got the luckiest tables here."
Vincent wandered to the other side of the room as he talked. Noah didn't say anything, so he continued.
  "Around 3 years after... After Elizabeth was gone, I eventually came here for work. They welcomed me with open arms. But at that point I had already changed into a whole new man. What I'd done in those earlier 3 years is something I won't talk about. Anyway, I worked as a guard. You know, the basics of kicking drunks and narks off the gambling floor. But... I got greedy. I didn't think I was being paid enough. So one night after some serious drinking, I thought Hey! I'll just take what I think they owe me, and ditch this place!. I may or may not have stolen... Oh around 20,000 caps out of the casino safe..."
  "Your either the luckiest man alive, or the dumbest"
Vince eventually found himself a spot to rest.
  "I don't think Lady Luck has anything to do with me"
  "Oh, right... Sorry. Again."
  "Its fine, you didn't mean anything by it."
Silence eventually crept between the two. Vincent barely knew him, and Noah's personality was the polar opposite of Vince's own. He didn't want to admit it, but he really missed Shannon.

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