what's wrong???

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A/N honestly how or why do so many persons like my story.
Thanks for voting on the last chapter. I would have loved to be a consistent writer but I now haveexams that I have to procrastinate on so

Tw: sickness , nausea, dizziness, fever, panic attacks and mentions to suggest a eating disorder ( I won't get too detailed )
Hehehe... sorry I'm hyper 24/7 ... but whatever.

Virgil's P.O.V

At first everything felt fuzzy all I knew was that a concerned voice was telling to wake up. I half did as I was told but just didn't have the strength to move on my own.
"....it's. ..c-cold in here" I said to the now identified Roman.
"Hey. Hey. Hey! Vergy stay awake" he said as I was about to close my eyes again slowly nodding off.
"S-sorry R-roman..." I said as my teeth were clattering together. I attempted to sit up only to become very dizzy.
"Wow there. Careful JD-elightful" he said as he scooped me up.

Anorexia (/language related) warning starts now

As he tried to move me so I wouldn't fall out of his arms he began looking even more worried "verge when did you last eat?" He said with worry etched into his expression.
"I don't know... i-I think it was when... I started to feel sick or a-a... little before. I was too weak to m-move or conjure anything u-up." I said as I began to fall asleep in his arms.
"Ok bud. But dont go to sleep until tbe others have checked on you, ok?"
"Mhmm" i said now too exhaused to talk. He still carried the worried face as we began to walk down stairs but it had softened.

When we arrived downstairs I was carefully placed in a nce empty corner that now had blankets and a beanbag occupying it. It wasn't long before logan and patton silently check on me. When the prodding and checks had been done Roman , who had left without me realising returned with a damp head towel.
When they placed it onto my head my tired body squirmed "t-t-too c-cold " I whimpered
"Shh.. shh calm down son" Patton said soothingly " We need to get your temperature down ok"
I nodded to patton only to get an overwhelming feeling of dizziness.
"Can I-i-i slee-e-p-p n-now?" I asked miserably.
Patton looked at logan to receive a small nod of confirmation and said "yes. sleep time virgey" I didn't need to be told twice I was out in seconds.

Patton P.O.V

As soon as I confirmed virgil was asleep roman brought me and logan around the corner just to ensure virgil wouldn't hear.
I began to worry.
Why didn't he want virgil to hear I k ow he's sick but could it be worst.

When we had all arrived around the corner Roman began "he hasn't eaten. He said he could have the energy to conjure anything up or go grab something so... he's lost a lot of weight guys. He must have thrown up whatever was left"

I peaked around the corner to realise that I hadn't knowtised how thin he was getting. I mean he was always thin but now he was basically crumpling away.

"He's never around at dinner either so how much does he eat... he's always been way thinner than us..." I mumble. Sad that my son hadn't eaten in about a week because of this illness.

"When he wakes up we should try feed him. Am I a bad father how hadn't I knowtised that he was worst than before." I say as I began sobbing.
"It's that stupid hoody he always wears" roman replied sadly.
"It's agree. His hoody is quite thick and seems to provide everyone with an illusion that he wasn't as bad as this before." He said. Even though he tried to hide it he was upset we all loved virgil.

Thanks for all the encouragement to continue this.
I think I might create a oneshots book as well we'll see if I can be bothered.

Now I want to try be more interactive
So I could:
-A- make this a poly relationship (lamp)
-B- not have any ships because I'm lazy

Reminder for self( delete this later)
-roman worries about Virgil's weight

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