Mr. Hand Man, Give Me My Figurine

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So right after I posted about wanting to be creative, life decided to anally fuck me so hard that I wasn't able to get things out in a timely fashion as planned but this "shorter piece" turned out to be a little over two thousand words so you're welcome?¿?¿?¿?

Anyways, enjoy this romcom kinda fic here.

Bakugou Izuku didn't mean to, he really didn't okay? He by NO MEANS wanted something like this to EVER happen because he thought they were beyond random acts of violence but-

"Bakugou?" The nurse calls into the ER waiting room at about three fifteen in the morning. Izuku looks up from his beat up red sneakers, sleep deprived and feeling oh so very guilty as he holds his husband's hand. Katsuki stands with Izuku, unable to speak as they walk through the door with the nurse and into a hallway lined with doors. She holds one open and asks them to take a seat.

"So it says here that there was an accident and Bakugou San broke his jaw? Can you please clarify?" The nurse asks Izuku and he pales slightly, swallowing uncomfortably.

He doesn't know what to tell her. It sounds so bad. Izuku didn't mean to punch Katsuki in the face with ten percent of his quirk, alright!? He doesn't want the nurse to think he's lying because of how silly it sounds and be under the impression that he abuses his husband or something.

Izuku takes a deep breath to try and calm himself but the tears end up spilling over anyway as he talks. "I-I was asleep and suddenly my dreams got really weird and I was in a situation where I was going to fight somebody and I end up punching my husband in the face." He admits, feeling genuinely bad about this.

Katsuki pulls him into a hug and rubs his back without any sign of agitation oddly. It's far more sympathetic than Izuku's used to receiving from the usually prickly blond.

"I broke it so bad that he can't talk and I just-" Izuku cuts himself off with a sniffle, face buried in Katsuki's chest with his arms wrapped around the other. He'll probably be able to laugh about this later with Katsuki but Izuku's still in the stage of feeling really remorseful and guilty for what happened.

Thankfully the nurse is sympathetic and hands Izuku a tissue which he's grateful for, feeling a bit more emotionally unbalanced because he's running on very little sleep in a high stress situation.

The nurse asks a few more questions as well as take Katsuki's vitals, height and weight before leading them back to another room so he can be examined. "A doctor will be with you shortly. If you need anything just press the 'nurse call' button." She says with a soft smile as she gives Katsuki some medicine for the pain. They're soon alone and it's obvious Izuku's still feeling pretty guilty for the accident as much as he tries to hide it.

Izuku is taken by surprise when Katsuki picks him up and brings him onto the hospital bed with him, this really only working because Izuku is quite small. He never did grow taller than 5'5 unlike his 5'11 partner.

Katsuki holds Izuku to his chest in a loving embrace as they wait for the doctor, fingers carding through Izuku's unruly forest green curls. All this affection and love genuinely leaves Izuku reeling. Don't get him wrong, Katsuki is a very affectionate and certainly loving partner, just usually not like this.

Izuku isn't used to it being so open unless they're alone at home. It's not like Katsuki never does any PDA with him either, quite on the contrary in fact. What surprises Izuku isn't how open the affection itself is but more how openly he's showing this amount of love for Izuku publicly without any displays of agitation or covering up these feelings with a snarky comment and leaving Izuku to read in between the lines.

Izuku stares up at Katsuki, emerald eyes gazing into ruby red ones. It's quiet, like they're in their own bubble away from the hustle and bustle of the E.R. just outside the door. Two of Katsuki's fingers brush over his eyelids, closing them. Izuku shakes his head, opening his eyes once more.

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